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St. Stanislaus Memorial Post #1771 Newsletter Sept/Oct 2006

Another year is starting at our Post, and I am sure it will be another productive one. The Post has undergone a facelift. The hall upstairs has been repainted, had new ceiling tiles put in and the floor redone. The lounge area also saw its walls washed down, kitchen totally scrubbed and the wall hangings updated and reorganized. The Ladies Auxiliary now has their own section of the wall to call their own. This was a mission of love for all the volunteers from the Post, Ladies Auxiliary and some of our friends from Lexington Council #293, who added all the young muscle. I would like to personally thank everyone who gave their time to accomplish this task.

Call in the Big Guns…

It is St. Stan’s Post honor, for Legion year 2006-2007, to have one of our own as Kings County Commander. That man is Ed Bizinski. We wish him well in his upcoming year. It is a title well deserved and long over due. Henrique Frett will be Ed’s Aide and Robert ‘Bo’ Conlon has a seat on the Executive Board for Boy Scout Affairs.

Congratulations also go out to Paula Sahaoui, as the incoming President of our Ladies Auxiliary. Our thanks and best wishes go with Rose Cutler, who steps down after three terms in that position.

The Post Executive board is as follows:

John Pieprzak-Commander.
Henrique Frett-Adjutant.
Jim Feith-Financial Officer.
Fred Schwally-Service Officer.
Ed Bizinski- Judge Advocate.
Ed Wizbicki..:Chaplain & Compliance
Carl Licht-1st Vice Commander.
Jim Hesse-Vice Commander.
Ray Smith-Vice Commander.
Marion Daverin-Vice Commander.
Sal Azzinnari-Executive Officer.
Robert Conlon-Executive Officer.
Tony Olszewski-Post Historian.
Philip Ras-Assistant Historian.

What’s New?

The Post is stepping into the computer age. We now have our own web site. We can all thank Phil Ras, who joined our Post and came in like a man on a mission. He designed and maintains the site. There are hundreds of pictures from the past and present on it already, with more to come. We are also talking about making DVD’s of those pictures for members that don’t have computers but want to reminisce about the good old days. There will be more to follow on that. The web site address is: ststanspost1771.org. Check it out, it will be well worth it. Thanks Phil!!!


Our roster has diminished a little over the last few years. But we are still a strong Post. We currently have 391 members in our ranks, and we are still the third largest Post in Kings County. Unfortunately I have some bad news on this subject. We were just informed that as of January 1st the dues are going up again. Last year they went up because, Department wanted an increase, this year they are going up again because National wants their piece of the pie too. Our Post is not getting any of the increase in monies, but we are forced to increase dues none the less. The- –new cost of dues will be $30. This is effective starting January 1st. If you get your payment in before that deadline you will only pay $25. So try to get it in as soon as possible. Remember this is NOT our Posts fault, this comes straight from National.

Departed Comrades.

We mourn the loss recently of: Richard Haines, PC & John ‘The Banker’ Jadaszewski, Executive Officer. Our prayers go out to their families.

Special Notes:

Enclosed in this newsletter you will find the meeting schedule for the 2006/2007 year. Please try to make them if you are able. Also enclosed is the form for the Children’s Christmas Party. You must send this in by the cut-off date to ensure that gifts will be available for the children and to avoid any last minute running around by the committee.
In closing, I look forward to the start of my 4th year as the Commander of our Post. I will do whatever I can to keep us strong in the future.

Semper Fi’!

The Commander