Articles From 1952 -1953
“Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields”.
The above quotation is the last paragraph from the poem “In Flanders Fields” written by Major John McCrae in the second battle of Ypres, April 1915.
“We shall not sleep, if ye break faith with us who die.” As veterans of World War I and II and the Korean conflict, we should remember those words, Those men who did not return home except for burial and a military funeral, died in the defense of our country, So it is up to us the living, to carryon the fight to make our way of life, as we live it in every community in the nation worth defending.
The many men from the Parish and the Community of Greenpoint who died in the defense of our country have not been forgotten. Saint Stanislaus Memorial Post resolved when it was organized in 1949 by a handful of energetic and patriotic young veterans under the leadership of its first Commander Stanley J. Kugaczewski, that at least once a year, the membership with its officers and invited guests and neighboring Posts, will gather at the St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, to hear Mass which will be offered for the repose of the souls of their fallen comrades.
In 1950 and 1951 the church was filled to capacity with relatives and friends of the deceased. On another page of this issue of the Patron you will find the name of your dear son, or brother or some dear relative who died on the deserts of Africa, or on the hills in Sicily or the tall peaks of Italy, or during the Normandy landings or on the Island of Guam or Okinawa. Every one of these boys died a hero’s death.
But did it ever occur to you dear reader what was in the mind of a dying comrade? Was it about a faraway place such as home or was it about his dear wife, mother or his young boy or girl? It was about all of these, but especially God. Because at every opportunity G.I. Joe did his duty as a good Catholic, going and hearing Mass and receiving Holy Communion. The going was tough at the front; the bullets and shrapnel were very hot so G. I. Joe was prepared to meet His Maker at any time.
We can all recollect the times spent at the front lines, walking knee-deep in mud and water and snow, being without rations for days at a time, trying to catch a few winks of sleep in a fox-hole filled with water, climbing the steep mountains in Italy, or France or Austria to drive the enemy off their stronghold positions. After taking one mountain which wasn’t easy, you were pointed out another one which was higher than the previous one. So it was one peak after another. But as we did our duty our one aim was to finish the war so that we could see our home again. I mention these few facts about front line conditions because I have seen many of my buddies killed and wounded in action against the enemy, So please remember those who gave their lives for this great country of ours. Say a prayer frequently for the repose of their souls, That is the least we can do for them.
At every meeting of the St. Stanislaus Memorial Post a prayer is said for all fallen comrades.
During the past year, three names of comrades have been added to the Memorial Honor Roll of the Past. Two of them lost their lives in the Korean conflict and when their bodies were brought home for burial the entire membership paid their last respects to the deceased comrades. The third comrade was killed in an accident and he also was visited by the Memorial Committee.
During the year the Post held their annual dance, which was a great success financially considering the great competition we had that evening. The Poppy sales campaign was also a success. The Post Headquarters was moved to a new location at 131 Driggs Avenue in the Winthrop Building, A great many new members joined our ranks (are you next). Christmas packages were sent to boys in the service of Uncle Sam from the neighborhood, compliments of the Post. And above all the Past Commander’s Dinner turned out to be the biggest success of all our affairs.
Thanks to the close cooperation between the officers and membership all our affairs turned out successfully. We the entire staff of officers and membership thank all those who participated in any way to make our past endeavors something to remember.
The present officers of the St. Stanislaus Memorial Post are: Commander J. Kozak, Vice-Commanders, Gene Kay, W. Brady, W. Golembieski and Walowski. Adjutant S. Kraszewski, Finance Officer J. Nowinski, Sgt-at-Arms T. Baranski; Historian and Ser. vice Officer H. Bulakowski; Chaplain Rev. J. Kowalski C. M.; Executive Committee: S Kugaczewski, K Babecki, T. Bach and W. Zalewski.
Our next meeting will be at our Quarters at 131 Driggs Ave., Wednesday April 2. We will be happy to have you join ranks in the St. Stanislaus Memorial Post. – Henry Bulakowski.
“For God and Country
We associate ourselves together
For the following purposes:
To uphold and defend
The Constitution of the United States of America; To maintain law and order;
To foster and perpetuate
A one hundred per cent Americanism;
To preserve the memories and incidents
Of our associations in the Great Wars;
To inculcate a sense of individual obligation
To the community, state and nation;
To combat the autocracy
Of both the classes and the masses;
To make right the master of might;
To promote peace and good will on earth;
To safeguard and transmit to posterity
The principles of Justice, Freedom and Democracy To consecrate and sanctify our comradeship
By our devotion to mutual helpfulness.”
POST 1771 MEMORIAL MASS March 30, 1952
10:15 Massing of colors in front of the Post Quarters.
10:30 Parade to proceed to the St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, headed by the Post Commander, County Commander and County Officers ,an Army Band and the colors of the Legion Posts in Kings County, P. L. A. V. and SWAP.
11:00 Mass.
12:00 Parade from church to proceed to McGoldrick Park where a wreath will be placed on the World War I Monument.
12:30 Parade to proceed to Driggs Avenue to the Monument in front of the St. Aloysius Club where short speeches by County Commander and the Post Commander will be said. Placing of wreath by Post Commander, Taps, The Star Spangled Banner then the parade will proceed to The Post Quarter where refreshments will be served.
Patron – 30 March 1952
Testimonial Is Held for John Kozak
Saturday night the St. Stanislaus’ Memorial Post, No. 1771, American Legion, honored Past Commander John Kozak at a dinner and dance in St. Stanislaus Hall, 12 Newell Street.
The dinner was in a appreciation of his fine work during the time he I served the post as commander. Edward Brody was chairman of the dinner committee. Stanley Krigaczewski was toastmaster.
The committee was aided by Post Commander Nicholas Stefanizzi.