Articles From 1961 – 1962
April 8, 1962
Commanders Message
Each year around this time we of the St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1771, American Legion and our Auxiliary. Sons of the Legion and. Jr. Auxiliary pay tribute and homage to our comrades who have passed away. We also honor the men from our community that have served their country and have passed away.
Our Post and the entire American Legion always remember the dead in our prayers, but on this day we ask all the good people of our community and Parish to join us on this solemn occasion. Please give us your support, in honoring our dead by displaying your flags and remembering them in your prayers this Sunday.
We Americans have always loved and respected our freedom that our good Lord meant for us to have. That 1s the only reason we ever took up arms against any aggressor who tried to take from us our God given gift and that is our freedom of speech and the right to worship as we please. We can be thankful for the freedom that is ours today to the men who fought and died to make it so. Let us also make sure that they did not die in vain. By that I mean we must be ever watchful of a growing menace to our country and that is Communism. With the use of their propaganda they are trying to gain and control the minds of our children, unions, and even some religious. Our brave men fought and died to make sure their system and ideas would never infiltrate the shores of our nation. The way we can protect our rights and freedom is to combat them with the same propaganda they are constantly using. We must be on the alert at all times and make certain that our nation never suffers as other nations are suffering under the rule of Communism. Through the time of the Revolutionary War to the Korean Conflict we have paid heavily in lives, blood and tears for our freedom. Let us honor those who gave their lives for our country and make it certain that they have not died in vain.
On behalf of my Post, our Auxiliary, Sons of the Legion, Jr. Auxiliary I want to thank the Rev. Father Hladki and all of the Priests of the parish for their cooperation they have given us on this 13th Annual Memorial.
Legion Post Schedules Memorial Ceremony
St. Stanislaus Memorial Post, American Legion, will observe its 13th annual memorial mass at 11 A.M. April 18 in St. Stanislaus Kostka Roman Catholic Church.
The mass will be preceded by t a procession from post headquarters at 119 Driggs avenue, according to Frank Pajak and Michael Justynowicz, chairman and co-chairman, respectively.
Members of the post will march at 10:30 A.M. to the World War memorial in Msgr. McGolrick (Winthrop) park.
A Wreath will be laid by William T. Bellard Jr., Kings County American Legion commander, taps will be sounded and a volley will be fired by the post’s rifle squad.
Marchers will then proceed through the park to Nassau avenue here they will parade to Sutton street and along Sutton ton street to the church on Driggs avenue.
After the 11 A.M. mass, the legionnaires will march to the St. Aloysius monument on Driggs avenue where a wreath will be placed by Henry Waloski, post commander.
Afterwards, the march will continue to Eckford Street, down Eckford Street to Norman avenue and thence to the, main flagpole on the post’s Oakland street property.
A brief ceremony will be held there for deceased members of the post.
The march will resume down Nassau Avenue to Newell Street and along Newell Street to the St. Stanislaus Kostka Parochial School’s new hall.
The annual ceremony as initiated 13 years ago when the post was founded.
Starting with 40 members, it I has grown to more than 400, including the Ladies Auxiliary, Sons of the Legion and Daughters of the Auxiliary.
The post emphasizes its family composition and Mr. and Mr. And Mrs. Henry Waloski are, respectively, commander and president of the auxiliary.
Friends and neighbors If the post are invited to participate in the ceremony honoring all deceased veterans, according to the committee.
The committee also urged display of American flags, especially along the line of March.
Site Slated For New Quarters
St. Stan’s American Legion Post purchased a parcel on the Oakland Strip during heated bidding Tuesday at an auction help by the Department of Real Estate.
The Post bought a 495 by 50 foot irregular plot for $23,500 bounded by the north side of Oakland street between the east side of Norman avenue, and the west side of Nassau avenue.
The post eventually hopes to build new headquarters the site and will seek to raise money to payoff the purchase cost by holding carnivals and other activities on the parcel.
Edward Zilinski, the post’s finance officer, did the bid4ing and as Accompanied at the auction by post adjutant. Edward Kazak, and judge advocate Alexander Malewski.
Zlinski was bidding against one other person. Bidding began at $9,000 and Zilinski’s competitor raised the Legion representative a $1,000 after he entered each new bid. He finally relented when Zilinski quoted the final figure.
The Legion post made a down payment a $4,704 down payment and must pay one third of the purchase price within 90 days. If the necessary money to be paid on ……………… There is no more.
For Sunday Afternoon
St. Stan’s Post Sets
Flag Raising Rites
A flag raising ceremony will be held Sunday after noon by St. Stanislaus Post, American Legion, on its property on Oakland street between Nassau and Norman avenues. Esso Standard Oil Company has donated to the post 10 flags and 10 12-foot flagpoles, which will be spaced every 50 feet along the curb of the property.
A 30-foot pole and flag, donated by Theodore Kubis, chairman of the dedication committee, and Adam Regula, will stand in the center of the property.
According to post officers, these flags will be displayed on all national holidays in memory of the war dead. The dedication ceremony will begin at 1:30 P. M. with a parade from post headquarters at 119 Driggs avenue.
The line of March will be along Driggs avenue, down Kingsland Avenue to Nassau avenue and along Nassau avenue to Oakland Street.
Participating will be members of the post, the post’s Sons of the American Legion squadron, women’s auxiliary and junior auxiliary.
The 11 flags to be posted will be carried by past commanders and past auxiliary, presidents.
A wreath will be placed at the main flagpole.
Guests invited to attend the ceremony include the Rev. Francis Hladki, Pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka Roman Catholic Church; Kings County Commander William Ballard and his staff; John Kyle of the Green Point Savings Bank; Assemblyman Edward S. Lentol of the 14th Assembly District, John Swedish of Esso Standard Oil Company.