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Articles From 1957 -1958

St. Stan Post Elects Head

Paul Wozniak was elected commander of St. Stanislaus Memorial Legion Post. He succeeds Walter Golembiewski.

Serving with him will be Frank Wodzinski, Richard W. Fitzgerald, Edmund Kuzminski, Stanley Jaskot, vice-commanders.

Henry Bialous will be adjutant; Edmund Zilinski, finance officer; Michael Justinowicz, acting chaplain; Henry Bulakowski, historian; Peter A. Rago Jr., service officer; Edward Wroblewski, sergeant-at-arms; The Rev. John Kowalski and the Rev. Refusu Wicelinski, chaplains.

Executive committee members are: Walter Golembiewski, Edwin Brady, John Kozak, Nicholas Stefanzzi, Stanley Kugaqzewski, Alexander Malewski, Fred Orzechowski, Charles Calak. Francis Varik, and Walter Korcz.

The installation took place at post headquarters, 119 Driggs Avenue.

Post News

For the ninth consecutive year we are gathered here to honor those who made the Supreme Sacrifice. We are not marching alone today: our ranks are swollen with almost visible presence of our departed comrades.

Our tears, or words cannot bring back our fallen heroes. They would not want our pity, but for their sake, let us not forget the loved ones left behind.

As we stand here in solemn tribute to our faithfully departed, let us pray for peace, that their campaigns fought were not in vain.

After these moments of bowed reverence, let us hold our heads high with pride, that through their faultless courage on the field of battle, in the air, and on the sea, we are here today enjoying our cherish4;4…. possessions – Justice, Freedom and Democracy.

Be it resolved, before this monument of St. Aloysius for our honored dead that we shall strive forever to dedicate ourselves to our God and to our Nation

Paul Wozniak

Let us all heed the message of our Commander. Above all, not only today or tomorrow but every day in our lives let us pray for our departed comrades for “It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may lite loosed from sins. (2 MA 12:46.

The St. Stanislaus Memorial Post grew from its fifty charter members to its present strength of over three hundred. Thanks to the untiring work of its leaders Stanley Kugaczewski, John Kozak, Nicholas Stefanizzi Joseph Nowinski, Edwin Brady, Walter Golembiewski and at present Paul Wozniak. The many officers, committees and individual members cooperated to the fullest extent with their leaders to make the Post the leading one in Kings County and in the State.

The members volunteer their services at all Parish affairs such as bazaars, picnics and other functions.

Last year, the Post attained the highest membership for the fourth consecutive year, thus capturing the Membership Trophy for keeps. It is the hope of the Post that the membership will remain at the top in the County for years to come.

Your enrollment in the post will be most welcome. Meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month at 119 Driggs Avenue and North Henry St.

Throughout the year, the many social affairs and events have been well supported. Our thanks are extended for your generous support and hope your generous support will continue into the future. Thank you.

Officers of St. Stanislaus Memorial Post

Paul Wozniak, Commander
Vice-Commanders; Frank Wodzinski, Richard Fitzgerald, Edmund
Kuzminski Stanley Jaskot,
Adjutant Henry Bialous,
Finance Officer Ed Zilinski,
Acting Chaplain Michael Justinowicz,
Historian Henry Bulakowski,
Service Officer Peter Rago,
Sergeant-at-Arms Edward Wroblewski,
Chaplains Rev. John Kowalski and Rev. Rufus Wicelinski

Executive Committee:

Walter Golembiewski, Edwin Brady, John Kozak Nicholas Stefanizzi, Stanley Kugaczewski, Alexander M:alewski, Fred Orzechowski, Charles Calak and Walter Korcz.
Acting Chaplain Michael Justinowicz was in charge of the arrangements of the parade, and memorial services.

Officers of the Ladies Auxiliary

President H. Roettinger,
Vice-Presidents P. Notartomaso, M. Wicelinski,
Secretary H. Jaskowiak,
Treasurer E. Zilinski,
Historian V. Rachwalski,
Executive Committee: V. Justinowicz, M. Jerzewski and A. Skibicki.
County Committee: H. Mankiewicz, D. Toberand, D, Matusiak.

Meetings of the Ladies Unit are held every second Wednesday of the month at 119 Driggs Avenue. You are cordially invited to enroll into the unit.

Henry Bulakowski

Memorial Service

Next Sunday March 23, the Annual Memorial Mass sponsored by the St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1771, American Legion will be offered at 11 A.M. at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church for the men in the Parish and Community who died in the wars for God and Country.

Assembly and Massing of colors will take place at 10 A.M. at the Post Quarters at Driggs Avenue and North Henry St. Before and after Mass a parade will take place through the streets of Greenpoint. It is requested as a tribute to the men who died on the field of battle, that the American flag be displayed proudly from every home, especially in the vicinity of the Post Quarters, McGoldrick Park, the, St. Stanislaus Kostka Church and the following streets, Driggs Ave., Kingsland Ave., Nassau and Norman. Avenues, Humboldt, Leonard and Newell Streets and Engert Avenue. Many men prominent in civic and veteran’s affairs will participate in the parade, Mass and Memorial services. The Kings County American Legion Band will furnish the Band music.

Sermon in church will be delivered by Rev. R. Wicelinski. Memorial services will be held at the St. Aloysius Memorial and at the Memorial in McGoldrick Park.

Commander Paul Wozniak extends an invitation to all veterans in the community, to all the Gold Star Mothers and to everyone in the ‘Parish and community to participate in the Memorial Services next Sunday. Acting Chaplain, M. Justinowicz is in charge of the arrangements. Please display the American Flag.