Articles From 1982 – 1983
Greenpoint Gazette – February 1983
The St. Stanislaus Memorial
Post #1771 A. L. Honors
Past Commander Charles Merjave
On February 19, 1983, at 9:00 P.M., the St. Stan’s Legion Post will honor Past Commander Charles Merjave with a Testimonial Dinner. ‘We are especially proud of Charley because he is a new breed of legionnaire. He is our first Commander who not only served during the Viet Nam Era but he’ actually served in the Combat Area of Viet Nam.
He was studying to be an engineer but he interrupted his studies and entered the Army. He never lost his goal; when he left the Service he worked in his chosen field and continued his education. He is now a full-fledged engineer working and performing his duties in the Ebasco Firm.
With all his studies and efforts, he has worked on and led many of the Community organizations in Greenpoint. He finally became active in our I10st and we watched him work on many post committees. We soon realized we as members wanted him for our Commander knowing we would benefit from his expertise. He I served two years. 1980 -1981 and 1981-1982.
We are sure his Testimonial Dinner will be attended by many of our local leaders and dignitaries who he has shared his time with. Those interested in attending can notify P.C. Richard Fitzgerald after 5:00 P.M. Donation is $20.00 per person. The cut off date is February 14, 1983.
Greenpoint Gazette – April 1983
Free Concert At St. Stan’s Post
On Tuesday, April 12th, 8:30 p.m. another free concert for the Community will be held at St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1771, American Legion, 100 McGuinness Blvd.
The Kings County American legion Band under the able direction of Mr. Irwin Meyers will entertain you. This Band is the oldest Band in existence, in the American Legion. To my knowledge, it is the only one in the State of New York. It gives free concerts in the larger Posts, such as St. Stan’s, ‘throughout the County of Kings. During the warmer weather the Band plays concerts on the grounds of the VA Hospital. This wonderful group of musicians come from all walks of life. Students, blue collar workers, professional men, such as, doctors, lawyers, etc. Some played with the big name bands of yesteryear. Together, they make up one of the best known contingents in the United States.
Each year they were here, the audience increased. The first time we had about seventy-five people. The last time there were close to two hundred. It was heartening to the Band to see the standing ovation they received at the end of their last concert. Ask the person who was there! An enjoyable evening of a mixture of good music. From waltzes, marches to popular Broadway musicals were heard. You can bet Mr. Irwin Meyers will have another interesting program for April 12th, at 8:30 p.m. for the audience at St. Stan’s Post. Remember the date and remember it’s free!