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Legion Corner 1975

June 20, 1975



RICHARD HAINES ELECTED COMMANDER: Richard Haines was elected Commander of St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1771 of the American Legion. He was unopposed. In thanking the membership, he stated he is there to serve the membership. He expects each and every elected officer to take his position seriously. Not to be an office holder in name only, but really be involved in the workings of the Post. To make this a team effort, in continuing the good work of past Executive Committees.


WOMAN ELECTED ADJUTANT: Josephine B. Kowalski was elected Adjutant of St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1771 of the American Legion. An active member of the Post for the past three and a half years, Mrs. Kowalski was a member of the Woman’s Army Corp during World War II, serving as a Captain in the United States Air Force.

The following members were elected to the Executive Committee: Commander…Richard Haines; Vice-Commander Nick Stefanizzi Jr.; Vice Comm. H. Nowak; Vice-Comm. E. Wizbicki; Vice-Comm…A. Kowalski; Adjutant…J. Kowalski; Finance Officer…M. Justynowicz; Service Officer…H. Schwartz; Sgt. At Arms…G. Mann; Chaplain…F. Wicelinski Jr.; Historian…T. Hoier; Executive Committee…E. Strack, A. Mann, D. Gallo, J. McGuire, L. Accardi.


John McGuire, newly appointed Chairman of the Bar Committee, is closing the Post Lounge on Sundays days due to the lack of patronage. Instead, bar will open on Saturdays at 1 P.M. This change for the summer only.

July 22, 1975

Legion Corner


NICK STEFANIZZI SR. was elected to the post of Executive Committeeman in the Kings County, American Legion.

TINA MANN of St. Stan’s Unit 1771, was appointed Kings County Coupon Chairlady. Congratulations are in order to the both of them.

FRANK WASKIEWICZ appointed Chairman of the Greenpoint Community Bicentennial Parade Committee.

POST LOUNGE of 1771 will have a “Happy Hour” on Saturdays, in the month of August. During the hours of 9 PM and 10 PM the drinks will be at half price! 1771 members please take note.

POST HEADQUARTERS (cap. 400) is avaihi’ble for your social needs. Get in touch with Larry Accardi, booking agent. Tel.: 383-5539.

RICHARD J. HAINES, Commander of St. Stan’s Post is asking all members to keep October 18th, 1975 open for Post business. Parade.

August 19, 1975

Legion Corner

By A. Kowalski


Bedame-Sessa Memorial Post, 1336, American Legion, has a new slate of officers as of July 1, 1975, for the year 1975-76. The new officers areas follows: Alfred Cirulli, Commander; Mike Sessa, 1st Vice-Commander; Santo Manzo, 2nd Vice-Commander; Sal LaFonte, 1st Vice-Commander; Vincent Bedame, Finance Officer; Michael Cazzolla, Adjutant; Cone Gangone, PC, Chaplain; James Baglino, Sgt.-at-Arms; Joseph A. San Pietro, Historian.

Congratulations and best wishes are in order for the newly-elected officers and may they have God’s blessings in their coming endeavors. Congratulations are also in order for Anthony Pastena PC who has finally been recognized by the Post for the long, arduous. and productive years he has put in as comrade of the Bedame-.5essa Post. He has been voted a life-time ‘member with all the attributes and appurtenances attached thereto. He will enjoy dues-free ‘membership add will also be regarded, like our only other life-time member, Cono Gangone PC, with reverence and utmost respect. This means that, at a function given for the occasion, he will be given a gold life-time membership card which, I am sure, he will always cherish. It’s about time Tony! May you enjoy many, many more years of health, happiness and success!!

On Saturday, September 13th, the Post will have its annual Installation of Officers party at Our Lady of the Snow Hall, 410 Graham Aye. Tickets for the Affair are $10.00 and there will be dining and dancing till 1 a.m. For information, contact Michael Cazzola or Anthony Pastena at Post Headquarters, 425 Graham Ave., or phone, 383-9030 any evening during the week Joseph A. San Pietro, Historian.


All we have is the place and a date. It’s November 15th, 1975’at St. Stan’s Headquarters. That’s on a Saturday. This is the day we “Thank Nick Stefanizzi Sr. for his unselfish effort, time and leadership of our Post; A man who went out and did what had to be done without waiting for ‘a paton the back or publicizing his accomplishments. “O! He’s at the Post, All.” His lovely wife, Millie, would say when I called in reference to some Post business. This was time after time, again and again. When at home, he would be working at one thing or another, pertaining to Post business. He AL WAYS had time to answer an inquiry and Never being perturbed about, the many phone calls. I know! I made many of them! I’ll be there with my lovely wife to salute a man who deserves more than a night. Nothing ‘would please me more than to see a packed house, on this occasion. Nick Stefanizzi Jr. is the Chairman for this affair. Put November 15, 1975 on your calendar as a top priority date! No excuses that you were told too late!


Polish Night is on Saturday, October 11th, 1975. Gene Golebiewski and “His Greenpointers” will play for your dancing pleasure. An EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION will be the 3rd place Polka winners of 1974, in the HARVEST MOON BALL. Dancing the Polka and other famous polish dances, which brought them acclaim in the past year. Tickets wilt be available the first of the month. Dancing from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. That’s Right!! EIGHT P.M. to ONE A.M. Cost of ticket is $4.00 per person. Come early and enjoy yourself! The Chairman is yours truly.

St. Stan’s Post regular meeting, Wednesday 8:15 p.m. September 1.

August 26, 1975

Legion Corner



“I………shall be honored to join with you.” Chet Straub. This has to be one of the fastest accepted invitations by any elected’ official, in the country. Being born here, the Senator shows concern and pride in the community.

REM’EMBER THE DATE!! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1975. Through the summer months, vacation time, hasn’t ended, the responses are coming in! Once again, the committee is asking all organizations to make the Parade the first order of business. A quick response would be most grateful.

Adding to those already committed are the following: Polish National Alliance of Brooklyn; Meserole Ave.-Diamond St. Block Ass’n., Terry King, Pres.; The Brooklyn Union Gas Company, Mr. Ron Cox, representative; St. Stanislaus Ladies Auxiliary Unit 1771, Mrs. Betty Gallo, Pres.; N.Y. Telephone Company, Miss Manie Gardner, representative.; Bedame-Sessa Memorial Post 1336, American Legion, Alfred Cirulli, Commander; Church of the Ascension; Edith Schrutz, representative.

If you have been on vacation in the past two weeks the following are already committed; The 26th UNITED STATES ARMY BAND, FORT HAMILTON’S COLOR GUARD AND CEREMONIAL PLATOON; The American Legion, “40 & 8” Locomotive, Voiture Locale 11; The St. Aloysius Drum Corps, known as the “Blue Eagles”; The American Legion, McFadden Bros. Memorial Post’s Bugle and Drum Corps, known at the “Clover Cadets”.

As you see, the list is growing from week to week. If you haven’t, as an organization, received an invitation to participate, by all means contact Frank Washiewicz, Chairman, 383-4509 OR Richard J. Haines, Commander of St. Stan’s Post, 389-6067. You can also write in care of: St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1771, American Legion, 100 McGuiness Blvd., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11222, to either one of the gentlemen.



Installation of Officers, Dinner and Dance at Our Lady of Snow Hall, 410 Graham Ave. The date is Saturday, September 13th, 1975. Tickets are at $10.00 per person. You may contact Mike Cazzolla or Tony Pastena at Post Headquarters any evening during the week OR call 383-9030.


St. Stan’s Post Semi-Annual Carnival and Bazaar will take place on Post grounds from Thursday, September 18th to Sunday., September 28th. Open weekdays at 7 P.M. Sundays 3 P.M. Come One! Come All! I Admission Free! RIDES! PRIZES! FRANKS! SODA!


October 11th, 1975 from EIGHT P.M. to ONE A..M. Gene Golebiewski and His “Greenpointers!’ will play for your dancing pleasure PLUS the 3rdplace 1974 winners of the Polka Dance in the HARVEST MOON Ball. Dancing the Polka and other polish dance steps which won them acclaim during the past on the northeast coast.

Yours truly, Chairman.


September 3rd: Regular meeting of St. Stan’s Post. 8:15 P.M.
September 13th: Bedame-Sessa, Installation of Officers.
October 11th: POLKA TIME at St. Stan’~ Post. $4.00 per person.
October 18th: Greater Greenpoint’s Bi-Centennial Parade.
November 2nd Unit 1171 card part at St. Stan’s HQ.
November 15th: Junior Past Commander’s Dinner.

Show You Colors

By Albin J. Kowalski

We’re Growing! Joining those already committed are the following organizations: Greenpoint Volunteer Ambulance Corps; Fidelity Council 7495 K of C; Fidelity Columbiettes #495K K of C; Long Island General Assembly (4th Degree Knights) and Color Corps; Greenpoint Williamsburg Neighborhood Facility Corp.; St. Cecilia’s Parish and the summer isn’t over as yet!!

Bands! Floats! – Take my word! I As I said, this is going to be the biggest parade in the history of BROOKLYN!

I almost forgot – add the Humboldt St. South Block Asn. to the list.

You can feel the pride, actually feel it during the meeting at Post, Headquarters, 100 McGuiness Blvd. every Thursday evening. If your Organization hasn’t been counted yet by all means get to the meeting next Thursday.

The work that has been accomplished to this date is unbelievable! We’re continuing forward in every aspect of the planning.

It shall be publicized from week to week with regard as to whom is going to have what in the parade, so keep reading the Gazette for other news on the biggest Parade in Greenpoint ever!

On October 18th, “Be Proud Show your Colors”.


“It will be my pleasure to attend on that day and I look to seeing on this festive occasion.” Joseph Lento. Our Assemblyman would come if only Ithree people were marching. He’s that kind of a guy! He, too, loves Greenpoint.

Don’t feel amiss if your organization hasn’t been contacted by the parade committee. By all mean! You are welcome to participate. Many on the list below, especially the Block Ass’ns., were not contacted. THEY Contacted US! The committee wants Jo hear from all organizations. Contact Frank Waskiewicz, Chairman at 383-4509 or Richard J. Haines Commander, at 389-6067. You may write either gentleman c/o St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1771, American Legion, 100; McGuiness Blvd., Brooklyn N. Y., 11222. Meetings are held every Thursday evening. at t. Stan’s Post at 8 p.m.

Whether by mail or by reading it here in the Greenpoint Gazette, the following organizations will participate in the parade, 6th United States Army Band; Fort Hamilton’s Color Guard and Ceremonial Platoon; St. Stanislaus Memorial Post, Richard J. Hames, Commander; St., Stanislaus Auxiliary Unit 1771, Betty Gallo, President, The American Legion “40 & 8 Locomotive, Voiture Locale 17; The American Legion, McFadden Bros. Post’s Bugle and Drum Corps., The “Clover Cadets”; St. Aloysius Glockenspiel Band, known as the “Blue Angale”; Meserole Ave., Diamond St. Block Ass’n., Terry King President; Brooklyn Union Gas Company, Ron Cox, Rep.; N.Y. Telephone Co., manie Gardner, Rep.; Bedame.-Sessa Post 1336, American Legion, Alfred Cirulli, Comm.; Church of the Ascension, Edith Schrutz, “Rep.; Polish national Alliance of Brooklyn, J. Glowacki, Pres.; Fidelity Council, 495, K. of C., Louis Dallojacono, G.K.; Fidelity Columbiettes 495 Kay Brunning, Pres.; Long Island General Assembly and Color Corps (4th Deg. Knights), Joseph Ferrise, Faithful Navigator; St. Cecilia’s Parish, Rev. Parks, pastor Greenpoint-Williamsburg Neighborhood Facility Corp. Robert Germino, Pres.; Greenpoint Volunteer Ambulance Corp. Mary Germino, Rep.; Humboldt St. South Block Association, Mary Auriemma, Pres.; Alfa Republican Club. Jean C. Guernsey St. Block Ass’n. Roland Bonilla, V.P,; P.F.C. John P. Czachor Post No. 5806 Inc. V.F.W. Robert Milmore Comm.; Boys Scouts of America, Troop 469, Benny Kissing, Scout Master; Greenpoint Cultural Society, Ray Fitzgerald, Rep.; Pete McGuiness, Senior Citizen Center, James Flanagan Pres.; Winthrop Civic Ass’n., Pete . Donahue, Rep. Add the Honorable Chester Straub and Joseph Lentol our hometown representatives to the list. These are the people who have contacted the committee during the summer months. The list is expected to be twice as long.

I suggest you readers cut out the list of participants and save it. I As additional organizations commit themselves, their names will I appear in this paper. This column will not again repeat this list, for it does, take much space in this paper. This is an important event but there are other happenings in Greenpoint, which are entitled to space. The Gazette has been very lenient with us and has NEVER cut one word of our progress. As a I matter of fact, they added. This is a FACT but this not a club but the Gazette is community minded paper. This is FACT. (To the EDITOR. Please don’t delete the last four sentences Thank You.) BE PROUD SHOW YOUR COLORS!



The Greenpoint Community Bicentennial Parade sponsored by St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1171. American Legion, in conjunction with the Greenpoint Gazette will be held on Saturday. October 18th 1975. All Parish, Political, Fraternal, Industrial and veteran Organizations will be invited. The parade committee will get in touch with all organizations, in person. We realize because of the summer months, many organizations do not hold meetings. The committee asks you to have the parade as the first order of business at your first meeting and get in touch with the committee as soon as possible. Those of you who can make a commitment now please get in touch with Frank Waskiewicz P.C. Chairman by calling 383-4509. You can get in touch with our Post Commander Richard Haines 389-6067 or write to either of the gentlemen in care of: St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1771, 100 McGuiness Blvd. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11222.

We will be inviting our elected officials. Therefore, this column is an alert to keep Saturday, October 18th. 1975. 011 your calendar, an open date for Greenpoint!

We are now and will continue to be asking the people of the Greenpoint community to display your Flags on this day. Not only in the line of march but r throughout the entire community. We are a proud people! We are proud of our heritage. Be it Polish. – Irish. Italian. Puerto Rican, Jewish, German, Russian, etc. Above all we are proud to be Americans! On October 18th 1975 “SHOW YOUR COLORS!” It’s the best way to show the spirit on which this country survived these past 199 years. We were down but NEVER OUT! Our Country has always come back stronger than ever after a setback. This has been proven time and time again. We are doing it now we shall continue doing it in the future. BE, PROUD’ “SHOW YOUR COLORS!”

At this writing. a parade ,permit has been issued. The line of march is as follows: Assembly at Eagle Street and Manhattan Ave. The parade will kick off at 10:00 I a.m. March up Manhattan Ave. to Nassau Ave. Left on Nassau Ave to McGoldrick Park, Here will be held a short ceremony and short (we assure you) speeches by our invited guests. As the parade starts shaping up we will keep in contact with all who are participating in this to be the greatest day in Greenpoint. Everyone will know precisely where to be at the hour of ten.

Jo Kowalski
First Woman Officer, Adjutant

Enlisted into the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corp /WAAC/ in January of 1943. Boot camp at Daytona Beach, Florida, attaining Grade T/5. Graduated Officers Candidate School in Des Moines, Iowa on May 31, 1943 receiving rank of 3rd Officer WAAC. Effective August 31, 1943 the WAAC ceased and became part of the Army of the United States /WAC-AUS/, upon which change received and 2nd Lieutenancy. Was attached to the Army Air Force performing duties at the Priorities Office, Gravelly Point, National Airport, Washington, D.C. Received 1st Lieutenant bars in 1944 and captain bars in 1945 taking charge of the priority office.

Resigned from office, after peace treaty, honorably discharged from Andrews Field, Washington, D.C. on November 20,1945. Jo is a member of the American Legion Auxiliary.

Greenpoint Square Garden

It wasn’t Madison Square Garden or even Sunnyside Garden or any other noted arena in the country that the enthusiastic crowd was cheering in. It was St. -Stanislaus American Legion Hall in Greenpoint where all the action was taking place. Before a crowd of about 400 people, professional wrestling was making its debut in our neighborhood for the first time and everyone loved it.

IThere were some very exciting moments, each bout had an individual attraction and appeal to the fans. In the first bout it was John Rodz, 241 lbs. from the Bronx, N.Y. Vs. Pete Reves, 220 lbs. from Lodi, N.J. Johnny was by far and wide was the favorite villain of the night, if there can be such as person his one fall bout. The second bout was probably the favorite one as it pitted Greenpoint’s own Pete Sanchez against Jack Evans, 238 lbs. of New Orleans, and our own Pete Sanchez won 2 falls over Jack. The crowd roared their approval with “Go, Pete, Go” as the local guy took care of his opponent.

In the finial third bout of the exciting evening there was an aura of mystery as the only grappler from a foreign Country, El Rayo, 2011ls. from Mexico City entered the ring wearing a mask to meet Gay Flores, 220 lbs. from Puerto Rico. El Kayo’s mask did not scare Jay, and he took him in their one fan bout. All in all one big evening of fun, excitement and entertainment was enjoyed by all present. The one question everyone asked was if there would be some other wrestling shows on the agenda In the near future. Some efforts will be made by the sponsors of this event to try and present another show In December. All the wrestlers are steady T. V. performers and they have a very tight schedule. Even our referee was Pedro Rodriguez who does his regular job on T.V. channel 41.

Richard J. Haines the commander of the St. Stanislaus Post would like to thank Pete Sanchez, Johnny Rodz and Ralph Cangiano for all of their help and the time they donated to make this historic event a success. Mr. Haines also thanked the St. Stanislaus and all who contributed to making the event a sellout. Included In the thanks by the commander were the ladies auxiliary and the male members of St. Stanislaus.


Dear Auxiliary Members;

We would like to announce, the auxiliary is having a “CARD PARTY” on Sunday, November 2nd, 1975. More details on the time and price of tickets at the September meeting. Chairladies Tina Mann and Dolorss Argiro. Let’s get behind these two chairladies because they have some very good ideas and I know their effort together with many auxiliary members, we can have a successful Card Party.

I find it a great pleasure to tell the membership, our P.P. Tina Mann has been appointed the Kings County Chairlady of Coupons. Congratulations Tina and good luck on your project. Our area chairlady this year is Mrs. Regina Wellington. I have known Regina for many years and have found her helpful and fair to this unit. Welcome, Regina!

That’s all the news for the message. Ah! – Yes! A reminder about your dues – Dues for the 1975-76 year will start to be collected in September. Membership Chairlady, Edith Schrutz.

Continue to have a good Summer! See you in September.

Yours In The Auxiliary
Betty Gallo

POST HEADQUARTERS available for all your Social needs! Contact Larry Accardi, Booking Agent: 383-5539


Saturday, October 11th, 1975 is the day!!

Gene Gqlebiewski and “His Greenpointers”  will be playing for your dancing pleasure, from EIGHT P. M. to ONE A.M.!

PLUs The 3rd place winners of the 1974 HARVEST MOON FALL POLKA DANCE. Dancing the Polka and other dances which brought them acclaim on the Northeast Coast this past year. Tickets are $4.00 per person. Come early and stay late!


Wednesday September 3RD, 1975.



The date is: NOVEMBER 15th, 1975. The Chairman is Nick Stefanizzi Jr.

Too early? Not at all It’s to give you time to set aside this date as a top priority day to give “honor” to a man who gave this Post’s place in Greenpoint as one of its leading organizations. A man who has given all of himself, unselfishly. Time and material was of no con sequence to him.

The phrase, “For God and Country” suits this man to a tee I worked close with this man. I got to know him. At times, I must’ve been a pain in the neck to him but the nice part of it all, he never showed it. Through you had a difference of opinion, he respected you for that difference without any animosity. The mark of a good Commander. I know. Nick Stefanizzi Sr., Past Commander, on November 15th, we of 1771 will “SALUTE” YOU.


CHAIRMAN: Frank Waskiewicz P.C.

On October 18th, The members of this Post are expected to make the biggest showing, in the history of this Post.

We are the Host Post for the Greater Greenpoint Bicentennial Parade. The time and place will be announced in the next issue of the “Post Journal”.

Though the summer isn’t over, as yet, the list is growing. Written commitments have been received from: The 26th U.S. Army Band, Fort Hamilton’s Color Guard and Ceremonial Platoon; The American Legion, “40 & 8″ Locomotive, Voiture Locale 17; St. Aloysius Glockenspiel Band: The American Legion, McFadden Bros Memorial Post’s Bugle and Drum Corps; N.Y. Telephone Co.; Brooklyn Union Gas Co.; Church of the Ascension; Meserole Ave.-Diamond St. Block Association; Bedame-Sessa Memorial Post 1336 and said Chester Straub, ” I shall be honored to join you.”

All this is going to cost money. Therefore, the committee is selling charge books to offset some of the expense. Five chances for a dollar. First Prize $100 cash Second prize $50. cash, Third Prize $25 cash. Come down to the Lounge and buy a book! Won’t you please help?

Truly Support Your Post and all who are striving to Make this the number #1. post in the Country!


Legion Corner



On the pounds of Post Headquarters, on Saturday, August 16th George Mann is throwing a clambake. From 5 p.m. to midnight you can have to your hearts content, Beer, Clams, Franks Corn on the Cob Watermelon. Price of ticket per person: 58.00. Tickets available at the Post Lounge, 100 McGuiness Blvd., any evening between Wednesday} and Saturday.


Letters have been sent to our elected dignitaries to participate in what we think will be the biggest parade this community has ever seen! A favorable response is expected. Block associations have contacted the committee right after reading about the Parade in the Gazette. The BALL IS ROLLING! St. Stan’s Post is looking to hear from ALL organizations in our community” “SHOW YOUR COOLORS” its the theme. A phrase coined by Ed Strack, a member of St. Stan’s Post. I call him, “Mr. American Legion”. 50, SHOW YOUR eOLOR5 and be proud of your heritage! Be proud of being an American!


Don’t wait for the invitation! Call now or write to: Frank Waskiewicz c/o St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1771, 100 McGuiness Blvd., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11222 or to the Post Commander, Richard J. Haines. Tel. 383-4509 or 389-6067.


St. Stan’s Post is presenting a three-bout card of wrestling on Sunday, August 17th Headlining PETE SANCHEZ & JOHNNY RODZ. Tickets are at $2.00 per person. Doors open at 5 p.m. First bout at 7 p.m. Time limits to be announced.

Legion Corner

By A. Kowalski