Legion Corner 1980
March 25, 1980
Legion Corner
By A. Kowalski
Memorial Mass In 1771
This past Sunday, our Post publicly remembered our deceased Comrades. We had a beautiful day! Ed Blazak, Memorial Chairman, did an exceptionally good job to have things run smoothly. Everything was on time. There are many people to thank. To those who came, my sincere gratitude. Many faces we haven’t seen in some time were there. Especially one! He came a little late but he made it, walking cane and all! The Ol’ Sarge himself Ed Wroblewski!! Such pleasant surprises, we take! Sure was nice to see him. He was looking great.
My “Thanks” to our County Commander; Mary Cotterill and her staff: Ms. Noreen Meier, County Auxiliary-Pres., and her staff; The County Color Guard; To all Posts and I mustn’t forget Geo. Washington Post P. L. A. V., I wouldn’t have noticed them. I spotted the Adjutant signing in as I had a chore to do. Then, also walking in quietly, members of the John Czachor Post V. F. W. Thank you, Gentlemen, for joining us. Last but not least, our own Ladies Unit with their President, Tina Mann.
To all who helped to put the whole Memorial program together, to all who pitched in to make it a success, my gratitude. To our public officials who took the time out on a beautiful Sunday morning to march with us. There was Tom Bartosiewicz, our State Senator; Joe Lentol, our Assemblyman and Mrs. Marie Finley, Democratic Co-leader in Greenpoint. Thank you all for remembering, I with us, those who made it possible for us to meet together for such a solemn occasion.
To Father Joseph Szpilski, who made our day! He met us at the curb-greeted individuals and led us into Church for our Memorial Mass.
Father, Dziekujem! Bog Zaplacz!!
September 30, 1980
Legion Corner
By A. Kowalski
Where did you hear that before! Must have been here in this column, last week. It’s such a good thing; it’s worth repeating, once again. On October 18th. (that’s a Saturday) St. Stan’s Post Auxiliary Unit is sponsoring a night of dancing with a Vaudeville show. I dancing will start at 9 p.m. and at 1 a.m. Just about the time ‘you’re a little tired and want to CSI or a while. Voila! It’s Showtime! There you are resting and enjoying a floor show! Killing two birds with one stone. Professional entertainment to make your evening complete. Donations are 7.50 per person. You can get your tickets in the Post Lounge any Friday, the second Wednesday in the Post, (Unit’s Meeting) or from the Chairman. Ms. Betty Gallo.
Let’s face it! The Unit sponsored nights were always, entertaining they deserve your patronage.
Two Parades!?? That’s right. ‘here’s the traditional observance of Veterans Day on the 1lth. but before that there’s a parade to be organized for the 4th.
Yes, each community should observe the 4th of November with a “PARADE” of registered voters to the polls to elect a resident. representatives to !congress and depending where you live, to the State Senate and Assembly.
The American Legion is calling p all Legionnaires to set the pace in their respective communities in reminding the citizens of their obligation and responsibility to register and vote. It is part of our “Preamble”.” .. . inculcate a sense of individual obligation to community, state and nation,…” it becomes an American Legion obligation to involve its membership in the task of encouraging the greatest possible turnout of voters to the polls.
The vote is a right and a privilege guaranteed by the Constitution to the every citizen. There is nothing any more important than for each citizen to express their choice on such vital issues ranging from local tax rates and government operations to national security. energy. and foreign policy.
This year, the American Legion’s theme is “WE HELP AMERICA WORK.” The free election is the heart and soul of our system of government of, by. and for the people. It is up to us to make it work!
At St. Stan’s Post. Saturday, October 11th. Donations of $2.00 include “Franks & Beer,” “Coffee and…” Post Time: 8:30 p.m.
A reminder to all you Legionnaires about the K-K Parry coming this Saturday, in the Post. All the Kielbasa & Beer for only $6.00, if you have forgotten. You can get your tickets at the regular meeting tomorrow. (Wednesday). This is your last opportunity because Mike must order the meat. Dancing and eating from 9 p.m. to a.m.
Last week, I forgot to tell you about a visitor to our Post. It was….
The rest of the article is missing.
October 07, 1980
Legion Corner
Certain wives whose husbands are listed as MIAs or were POWs for 90 days Or more I will lose eligibility for VA education benefits if they don’t act within the next two months. Eligibility for the VA Survivors and Dependents’ Education program expires for is select group DECEMBER 24, 1980, or 10 years from the date listing was made, whichever is later.
The program, which is also open to children of POWs/MlAs, provides tuition assistance for the spouses and children of veterans who die or suffered total and permanent disability resulting form their military service. Since 1956, V A has spent $1.7 billion to educate and train some 409,000 eligible including 193 wives and I children of POW/MIAs. For information how to apply, what type of training qualifies for benefits and eligibility information on this and other V A programs, contact the nearest VA office. Toll-free’ numbers are listed in the white pages of the telephone book under “U.S. Government.”
Got An Energy Question?
The DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY has set up five toll free hotlines to do just that. If the people on the other end of the ‘telephone don’t have the answer, they can get it for you quickly, claim DOE spokesmen.
Here’s where to call for that expert advice:
National Alcohol Fuels Information Center-(600) 525-5555
Emergency Conservation Service -(600) 424.9122
Gasoline & Heating Oil Hotline(600) 424.9246
Ridesharing Information (800) 424-9184
Solar Heating & Cooling Information-(800) 523-2929
A Reminder
Don’t forget to get your tickets to the Vaudeville & Dance, the Ladies of Unit 1771 are having on the 18th of October. It’s being held at St. Stan’s Post, 100 McGuinness Blvd. Dancing starts at 9 p.m. In case you don’t know, there’s free parking. Entrance to lot is on the Norman Ave. side-of the building. You can get your tickets any Friday in the Post Lounge or contact Ms. Betty Gallo. Oh, Yes! You can pay at the door, the evening of the affair. Tickets are’ $7.50 per person.
Life Goes On In 1771
We have a few wedding anniversaries this month…Oct. 7th Nick and Millie Stefanizzi, celebrating their 35th…Oct. 12th, Mike and Vera Justynowicz. I don’t know how many years but it has to be close to 40…0ct. 31st, Rudy and Ann Sidorowicz celebrating their 38th…There’s a birthday too! Dr. Leon Nadrowski celebrates his birthday on the 10th of Oct. Oopsl Forgot another anniversary. Al and Jo Kowalske celebrate on the 14th their 36th…Congratulations to all.
We have, a few dates to remember; Nite at the Races, Oct. 11th in the Post Lounge; Vaudeville & Dance, Oct. 18th; Jr. Past Commander’s Dinner, Nov. 1st; Jimmy Sturr and Orchestra, Nov. 28th.
Regular meeting every. first Wednesday of the month. Unit meeting every second Wednesday of the month.
We Have American Flags!
Anyone interested in purchasing an American Flag Kit, may do so any Friday evening at St. Stan’s Post; 100 McGuinness Blvd. Price: $7.00per/kit. You can also buy them at Eddie’s Hardware.
October 14, 1980
Legion Corner
As of late, it is happening too often! A bus and a car; Car vs. car; Car and pedestrian: Car and traffic light pole. All these accidents in a short space of time. When will the Traffic Department listen to us!
The traffic is moving, all to fast, on the boulevard. Signs have been posted for 25 mph speed. Clock the vehicles and you will see they go between 35 and 50 mph.
What is the solution? It was given to the Department of Traffic. Their response? It will slowdown the traffic through Greenpoint. The solution is simple and it is not new. It is in use in other cites. Off hand I can’t remember how many lights are on McGuinness Blvd. Let’s say ten. As 1. 3, 5,7, and 9 ate RED, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are GREEN. Lights to be set for 25 mph. Simple? I think so. You don’t need a Traffic engineer to figure this one out. Just a little common sense.
Incidentally, there was another accident around Green St. and, McGuinness Blvd. at the same time. Enough is enough! In every accident, people have been driven tot he hospital in serious condition. That’s not a Boulevard, it’s a war zone. On two occasions we at St. Stan’s Post had vehicles go through our fence. Next time, who knows, right through our, Post. We pray not.
We feel strongly about the safety of all Greenpointers. It is not a pleasant sight to see someone’s’ scalp fold like a toupee. It s not a pleasant sight to see an elderly man hit and go through the air like he was a tackle dummy. We” in the American Legion, are a part of this community. We live here. We are interested in our own safety, the safety of all Greenpointers and their property. How do we put our point across to the Department of Traffic? WRITE LETTERS!! Tell them we DEMAND the traffic signals to be altered for a 25 mph limit. The traffic signs do not help. Tell them we want action and SOON!
The Ladies Auxiliary of Unit 1717 ill St. Stan’s Post, are sponsoring a night of Dancing and Vaudeville, Professionals are giving their best as they have in the past, when the Ladies sponsored an affair. Remember their Hawaiian Night? Their Vaudeville Night? We all had a darn good time! I’m making it a point to be there. Are you? Donations are at $7.50 per person. It’s an ideal evening for us older folks. Just about the time you’re getting tired and you want to rest, voila! A floor show! For the younger set, it would be something different and an evening of enjoyment, the music, naturally, up to date. There will be a good mixture to satisfy everyone. If you decide to go the very last minute, No problem! Tickets will be available at the door. Just like any dance.
November 1st, Junior Past Commander’s Testimonial Dinner. You can get your tickets from Nick Stefanizzi Jr., at Rite Beer and at the Post, the next two Fridays Little by little we’ll have the Post spruced up Our meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month…Auxiliary meetings are held every second Wednesday of the month incidentally! If you know of anyone having a birthday or anniversary, please, don’t hesitate and let me know. God Bless!
October 28, 1980
Legion Corner
By A. Kowalski
Vote! Vote!! Vote!!!
Remember, what I said? Two parades in November. On November 4th a parade to the polls. I, and no one else can dictate to you as to how to vote, which levers to pull, who to vote for. Vote for the interests of your country, its future. Vote for the interests of the world, its future, but most important, vote for your future, the future of your family. Polls will open at 6 a.m. and stay open till 9 p.m. Fifteen hours is giving, ample time for you and your family to take the time and interest in your future.
Don’t say, after the election, you didn’t have time because you had 10 work that day. 8 hours for work; 2 hours for traveling, time; OK, I’ll give you 3 hours, 1/2 hour for breakfast; 1/2 hour for shower; For the ladies another 1/2 hour to put up their hair; 1 hour for supper (I figure you want 10 eat before you vote’. Who can vote on an empty stomach!) 1 hour 10 walk 10 and from the voting poll. What does that add up to? 14 hours, you have an hour left and all it takes to vote is THREE MINUTES! The choice is yours. You live with the man you didn’t want in office and keep your mouth shut or you vote and every time he steps out of line, you have every right to tell him off! After all, he is a servant of the people and you are the people!
American Legion Does it Again!
It’s the best of Medical care in the VA Hospitals. The Veterans Administration Health Care Amendments Act of 1980 became public law. This happened! In case you are not aware, on August 26th, after more than two years of study and a Presidential veto.
It cleared the House on May 20th, by a vote of 406-1 and unanimously approved by the Senate. After all negotiations resolved all differences between two versions of the bill, HR7102 was sent to the President on August 12.
White House advisors recommended, to the President, the signing of this measure into law. He vetoed the bill on August 22nd. This he did some 28 hours after he told the Legion National Convention that he was committed to the improvement of health care in the VA hospital system.
Did the AMERICAN LEGION just shrug their shoulders? Within hours of the veto message, a strategy to override the veto was formulated by the AMERICAN LEGION Legislative Committee and under the personal leadership of Commander Michael Kogutek, the plan was put into effect on August 25. Telegrams and letters from the Washington office of the American Legion augmented by phone calls to Capital Hill from key states, inundated Congress on August 25 and the morning of the 26th. These efforts were’ reinforced by meetings between Commander Kogutek and numerous Members of Congress just prior to the veto to override votes.
That afternoon after an hour of debate, the House voted. The veto was overridden by a count of 401-5. The Senate followed suit with a couple of hours by voting 85,0 to override. Would you believe this was only the second time in 30 years that a Democratic Congress had reversed a Democratic President’s veto.
The Act will significantly affect the quality of VA health care for years to come. It should resolve the problem the VA has in recruiting and most important, in retaining qualified health care Personnel to staff its 172 hospitals and 282 outpatient clinics.
This is one instant the AMERICAN LEGION, without any fanfare went 10 the aid of the veteran. Yes, “We Dare To Care” for the veteran.
“Strongman” Ken Patera To Headline Wrestling Show At St. Stanislaus Post!
On Wednesday, Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. Ken Patera will defend his inter-continental belt against the former champ PAT PATTERSON.
The new sensation from Canada “RICK MARTEL” will oppose luscious LARRY SHARPE. Unpredictable Johnny Rodz will meet Frenchman Rene Goulet.
Back after Wrestling 2 years in Florida Don Serrano will take on Angel Maravilla.
RICK “FAST-DRAW” McGRA W returns to one of his favorite arenas (so he says) to meet “Speedy” Jose Estrada.
The sixth bout of the evening will feature Angelo Gomez against Steve King (which should be a good scientific match.
Tickets ($6.00) available at Pete Della’s Bar 133 Nassau Ave. (EV3-9782) and Rite Beer 749 Humbolt Street (383-2122).
November 11, 1980
Legion Corner
By A. Kowalski
Reye’s Syndrome is a complication of a viral infection – the flu, measles, chickenpox, etc. whose cause, cure and prevention are unknown. It affects normal, active, primarily healthy children, 18 and under.
In the belief of some medical authorities, RS will be “the polio of the 80’s.” It is already the No.2 killer of children with viral-related central nervous system diseases.
RS is fatal in nearly 50 percent of the cases reported. Estimates at the fatality rate about 80 percent. if not detected and treated immediately. Death usually occurs within 3 to 5 days from the first signs of the condition.
Parents Must Know Danger Points
In order to provide the best chances for survival, parents must know what to look for and what to do when RS is suspected.
Usually a child appears to be recovering from a viral infection when the first signs of RS occur in the form of recurrent, relentless vomiting which may be followed by personality changes, headaches, and restlessness.
A child who is recovering from a viral illness should be observed carefully. If RS is suspected, the parent should contact a physician IMMEDIATELY or take the child to a hospital emergency room. Quick action is imperative in order to give the RS victim the greatest opportunity for recovery. (We, in THE AMERICAN LEGION, have accepted the challenge of this public information campaign to alert parents to this malady.)
The doctor, by performing the proper tests, will quickly know whether RS is present and supportive therapy is necessary. It is up to you, as a parent, to watch for the above mentioned signs. TO ACT QUICKLY. Then, and only then can the doctor help.
May I add, RS is not contagious. It follows a viral infection which, of course, is contagious. Even when all the children in a family are ill with the same virus, only one (if any) may get RS. The National RS Foundation estimates that 30-60 children per 100,000 infected with flu B will be stricken with RS.
The key period of incidence of reported cases has ‘been during the months of November through March, the period of highest incidence of viral infection which may lead to Reye’s Syndrome.
Any further questions, please check with your own doctor.
Attention VA Life Insurance Policy Holders
WE ALERT YOU to the following: The St. Paul and Philadelphia insurance Centers encounter situations in which a deceased veteran has NEVER changed the name of the original beneficiary on his policy.
As a consequence, the present spouse and children are not covered and the Veterans Administration cannot pay them benefits. Marrying or remarrying does not automatically change the insurance beneficiary. This must be done by the policyholder. If a veteran has any doubt as to the name of the beneficiary shown on his policy, he should go to the nearest V A Regional Office.
OPTION: There are four options. If option one is selected, the insurance will be paid in, one lump sum. When option two, three or four are selected, the veteran cannot select option one. On options two, three or four, the insurance will be paid monthly over a certain period of time, depending on the option selected.
If you have any doubts as to your insurance, I urge you again, check with the Regional Office of the VA.
Life Goes On In 1771
Belatedly, Congratulations to Ed and Doris Wizbicki who celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary November 1st Ditto to John & Dottie Montagano who have 31 years on Ed and Doris. John and Dottie celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary November 5th. A belated congratulations to Nick Stefanizzi Jr. on his reappointment as 2nd District Sgt.-At-Arms Last Friday, at the Post Lounge, a surprise birthday party was given to Stanley Juszynski. I won’t say how old he is but he’s now eligible for Medicaid, and senior citizen fares on the bus from his house to the Post. Don’t forget to get the card, Stanley Nice crowd at the Lounge, last Friday. COMING EVENTS AT 1771: Jimmy Sturr and His Orchestra on Friday, Nov. 28 FUNZ-A-POPPIN on Saturday. Jan. 24. 1981. God Bless!
November 18, 1980
Legion Corner
By A. Kowalski
The VA has cautioned that certain wives whose husbands are listed as MIA’s or were POW’s for 90 days or more will lose eligibility for VA education benefits if they do not act within the next month. Eligibility for VA Survivor’s and Dependent Education Program expires for this select group on December 24, 1980 or 10 years from the date the listing was made, whichever is later.
The program, which is also open to children of POW /MIA’s provides tuition assistance for the spouses and children of veterans who dies or suffered total and permanent disability resulting from their military service.
The VA reports that since 1956 it has spent $1.7 billion to educate and train some 409,000 eligibles, including 193 wives and children of POW/MIA’s. For additional information contact the nearest VA Regional Office or your American Legion Department Service Officer.
Disability Compensation,
Housing Benefits Legislation Passed
Congress has approved, and the President has signed into law (P.L. 96-385) the “Veterans Disability Compensation and Housing Benefits Amendments Act of 1980,” which grants a much-needed cost-of-living increase for 2,25 million service-connected disabled veterans and their dependents, amends the VA housing grants and home loan guarantee programs, and includes a number of other important provisions.
Rehabilitation-Education Bill Approved
President Carter has signed into law (P.L. 96 466) legislation which provides cost of living increases for veterans undertaking vocational rehabilitation and GI Bill training, restructures the JI A rehabilitation program, and strengthens veterans’ employment services.
Request Outreach Extension
The Veterans Administration will reportedly request the White House to extend the VA’s “Operation Outreach” psychological readjustment, program for Vietnam-era veterans for an additional two years. The program, mandated by P.L. 96-22, began on October 1, 1979 and is scheduled to end on October I of next, year.
Are you praying for the return of our held hostages in Iran? Return them all safely and in best of health? We in the American Legion, are. asking you not to forget our POW/MIAs who are not ,accounted for since the end of the conflict in Vietnam.
We are not asking but are demanding an accounting of ALL our boys who have not been returned back to our shores.
The American Legion is on top of this program and not will not rest until a full accounting has been reached. This, we promise you.
SO, Every time you say a prayer for the hostages in Iran, say another I prayer for cur POW /MIAs somewhere in Vietnam.
Jimmy Sturr Coming Back to Greenpoint
Jimmy Sturr and His Orchestra will be in St. Stans Post on Friday, November 28th. Donations are $6.00 per person the, beer is on us. I Tickets available at Rite Beer, Corner of Humboldt St. & Norman Avenue; Eddie’s Hardware, 663 Manhattan Ave. (near Bedford Ave.) Friday Evenings, at Stan’s Post, 100 McGuinness Blvd.
Life Goes on In 1771
Nick, John, Stanley and Al giving the Post floors a new look. We suggest you carry dark glasses with you, if you don’t want to be blinded
Smokey will be in the Post Lounge this coming Friday…Your Blood Bank insurance is due…Don’t forget your DUES! Let’s beat the” deadline and save the Post the moolah. FUNZ-A-POPPIN COMING
TO THE POST on January 24, 1981!…Have a nice week, God Bless. ”
November 25, 1980
Legion Corner
By A. Kowalski
This Friday! In Person!!
Jimmy Sturr and His Orchestra
Friday night, from 9 p.m. till 1 a.m. you’ll see and hear the Band that I has been voted the No.1 Polish Band in the nation, at St. Stan’s Post.
We are delighted to present Jimmy Sturr and his Orchestra for the third consecutive year.
Imagine! The day after Thanksgiving, you are asked to go out and dance! Sounds silly? You’re going to be stuffed eating that big bird, with all the stuffing and trimmings which go with a dinner on Thanksgiving. Silly? Not really. You’re going to be sluggish, Right? What better way than to exercise. Not the dull twist and bend, one, two, three, four, hearing yourself count, giving a beat. No, not that way! Let Jimmy Sturr give you the beat! His beautiful sound of Polish and American tunes. Bring your friends and enjoy! If you’re not overstuffed, the beer is on us. Donations are $6.00 per person and you can get your ticket at the door, night of the dance. Want to get them ahead of time? Tickets are available at Eddie’s Hardware, 663 Manhattan Avenue (near Bedford); Rite Beer, corner of Humboldt St. and Norman Ave. or call Ed Leddick.
C’mon Down! And Enjoy! You have Saturday and Sunday to rest.
Attention All Legionnaires!
As you know by now, the PER CAPITA is going up another $1.50 per member. Isn’t that incentive for you to get your dues in now? The PER CAPITA goes up January 1st, 1981. Think about it. If you send your 1981 dues in now to your Membership Chairman, The Post will benefit from your promptness, not the Department. Send it in by December 15th and give your Membership Chairman a chance to get the dues in on time to County. Fifty members don’t pay their dues this year, that’s $75 less for the Post. That $75 can help to pay partially for your, Memorial Services, the collation, etc. It can even buy you Flags to fly over your Post. Send It in now, won’t you? Better your, Post utilize the buck than give it to the Department. I’m sure all the Commanders “Thank you” for your promptness. By the way, see if you can sign up a new member while you’re at it. Maybe you can bring hack one that fell I by the wayside.
Have A Happy Thanksgiving
Be thankful for the shaky peace we had, pray it gets stronger. Pray for the return of our Hostages. Pray for the return of our POW/MIA’s. Yes, Let’s be thankful what we got. It could have been worse. Enjoy whatever you will have, for no matter what you have it’s who you have it with. That’s what counts.
Life Goes On In 1771
Membership returns up to 90%…In numbers its 561. Send your dues, in now and save the Post the $1.50. January 1st the Per Capita goes up $1.50. Jimmy Sturr in the Post Friday night. Don’t forget to get your slips in for both, the Children’s Christmas Party. Your Blood Bank insurance is due by the 1st of December. Mike Justynowicz says, there are about 50 outstanding payments. Hubba! Hubba!! Don’t wait till the very last minute Have a nice long weekend. Don’t forget our regular meeting on, the first Wednesday of the month. God Bless.