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Articles From 1979 – 1980

Greenpoint Gazette 1980

Ed (SARGE) Wrobkwski. The son-of-a-gun is looking good! Put on about fifty pounds. When Nick Jr. and I went to see him in the-, VA Hospital we got the shock of our life! Sarge weighed only 90 lbs. Seeing him a week ago. shows what a remarkable recovery he made. How many years has he been Sgt-At-Arms in this Post? Wouldn’t’ be nice to make him Honorary Sgt-At-Arms? Anyway. It’s just a thought. Charles Merjave and Harry Schwartz did a bang up job chairing the Carnival. The same ol’ smiling faces coming to help and slowly new faces on the horizon.


For a change each membership Chairman has an incentive to get on your tail about the dues. As of January 1, 1981 the Per Capita goes up $1.50. You MUST pay your dues BEFORE December 15th for the Post to retain the $1.50. Starting with the First of the year a $1.50 is added to our Per Capita. Wouldn’t it be nice if each Post makes 100% membership before the year is over? Whey shouldn’t the Post benefit. Now, its up to each individual member to cooperate and keep the money in his Posts’ tilt. Think about it, just once, and then ACT.

Gazette No Date.


A NITE AT THE RACES will be held at St. Stan’s Post. Net profits will be donated to the” Arthritis Foundation which is holding a telethon the weekend of February 10-11 on WOR-TV, Channel 9. The American Legion, Department of New York is involved and will be prominently noted, throughout the entire telethon.

Donations are $2.00 per person. Date of the “Races” is January 26th. 8:30 Friday Evening. Beer and Hot Dogs are part of your donation.

Your support for this worthy cause. is being solicited.


Wasn’t that a nice group of people which got together at the New Year’s Eve Dance at the Post? Everyone had a good time! LOOK ALIKE: John Carey, National Commander and our own Bob Brady, Past Commander of 1771. April 1st, our annual Memorial Mass Coming, Hawaiian Night! Did you know the National Cemetary at Calverton, 1. i. has 1900 acres of land and has been open for the past few months? Post Lounge open every Friday night, in case you have forgotten. Meetings in 1771 every first Wednesday.


At 8:30 p.m. on the Saturday of February 3rd, St. Stan’s Post of the American Legion is running a “Nite At The Races.” Profits going to the Arthritis Foundation. Nite at the races will be held at St. Stan’s Post Headquarters which is located at 100 McGuinness Blvd.

Nick Stefanizzi Jr. Commander of St. Stan’s Post is hoping for a good turnout for this excellent cause. Donations are at $2.00 per person, franks and beer on the house.

This is one of many such nights that are being held throughout the Department of New York of the American Legion. From the borders of Canada to the tip of Long Island are Legionnaires backing the plea of Department Commander Frank, Giambra.

THE AMERICAN LEGION is involved in the telecasting of the Arthritis Foundation Telethon over WOR-TV, Channel 9, on Saturday and Sunday of February 10-11.

The American Legion name was prominent when the epidemic broke out in Philadelphia, a few years back, and all you heard about was the Legionnaires Disease. Not so long ago, a ferry went off course here in New York City and ran into a sea wall. Wouldn’t you know it! It was called The American Legion.

Now, prominently displaying their colors for 19 hours, the American Legion will ask, beg the citizens of New York State for their s-uPpoJt of this most worthwhile cause. The Arthritis Foundation.

Anything involving the children the future citizens of this country, The American Legion will always be in the fore. American Legion baseball; Boys State; lobbying for legislative measures for the protection of youngsters in all walks of life, are a few of the programs in which Legionaires are involved. Always fighting, unheralded, for the future of our great country.

“We Dare To Care” and now, we are asking you to “Show Your Colors!” You can send a check or money order made out to “ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION” to us, St. Stanislaus Memorial Post; 100 McGuinness Blvd.; Bklyn, N.Y. 11222. Lower left-hand of envelope mark it “TELETHON”. It will be presented by our Commander on the telethon from: SL Stan’s Post and the people of Greenpoint.