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News Articles From 1919

Daily Star  – 1919



An Armistice Day celebration was held Saturday in the Greenpoint Theatre, under the auspices of the Greenpoint Post. American Legion, the Corporal T. R. Nulty Post, Vet­erans of Foreign Wards, the W. N. Connors Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Charles D. Flnnegan Post, American Legion.


The theatre was filled with the member of the posts, all clad in the uniforms in which they served the country. Municipal Court Justice Charles J. Carroll was chairman of the celebration.


Addresses were made by the Rev. Theodore King, rector of St. Columbkille’s R. C. Church, and Milton E. Greenberg, president of the Young Men’s Hebrew Association.


The closing prayer was conducted by the Rev. Robert Thena, pastor of the Kent Street Reformed Church.


Brooklyn Eagle September 21, 1919


News of American Legion Posts
In Brooklyn and Long Island

Greenpoint Post, at its last meeting held at the Greenpoint Y. M. C. A., elected the following officers: President, Herman E. Springdale; vice-presidents, Carsten Ludder; Fred Steffens, and Edgar Wormell; secretary, Robert Ludgate, and treasurer. Robert J. Foster.


The secretary was directed to request Congressman John MacCrate to interest himself in the bill before both houses of Congress proposing that $30 be granted to all sailors and marines for every month of active service. The membership roster is near the hundred mark.


Brooklyn Daily Eagle September 28 1919


News of American Legion Posts
In Brooklyn and Long Island


A large number attended the last meeting of the Greenpoint Post No.241 last Monday, at the Alpha Republican Club. The newly elected officers were present to conduct their first meeting. Cartson Ludder asked to be relieved of the duties of the vice president, as organizing other posts and pressing business matters needed his attention. His resignation was accepted with regret, and Joseph A.  Mutke was elected vice president.


Under John Johnston’s direction, a permanent Membership Committee was appointed, to continue the membership campaign for the Greenpoint Post. Until permanent meeting rooms.


Brooklyn Eagle November 2, 1919


Many Posts Are Active


Progress is being made with the plans for a reception and dance at St. Anthony’s Hall, Nov. 11, under the auspices of the Greenpoint Post, No.  241. The entertainment committee of the post has charge, of all arrangements. It consists of Howard N.  Baldwin, chairman; William J. Knipe, Charles J. Barbutlr. Charles Reier, John Graham, Walter C. Braun. William F.  Pierce, Frank Caldwell, Harry Fisher and, Edgar Gorlcks.


Invitations to attend the affair were sent to Gov. Alfred E. Smith, Mayor John F. Hylan, Col. Theodore Roosevelt and Congressman John MacCrate.


The regular meeting of the post will be held Thursday, Nov. 6, instead of Tuesday, Nov. 4, at St. Alphonsus C. C., 194 Kent St. The change the in date was decided on because Tuesday is Election Day.


Pending receipt of Park Commissioner Harman’s sanction to dedicate a tree, to men who lost their lives from the Greenpoint section In Winthrop Park during the afternoon of Nov. 11, the committee is making preparations to have the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, relatives and friends of the dead heroes present at the dedication.


Brooklyn Eagle December 14, 1919

News of American Legion Posts
In Brooklyn and Long Island

Appoint Vigilance Committee


    The meeting of Greenpoint Post No 241 last. Monday night in the rooms of the People’s Democratic Club, voted to take drastic steps against bodies or individuals in sympathy with the principles of the radical elements. A vigilance committee, consisting of Fred Steffens. Louis Kahn, William Rcheinberg, Samuel Alporln, James T Grace and Sidney Larschnn, was appointed to handle all reports from members referring to activities of radicals.

As a mark of respect and a tribute Io their dead comrades, it was voted to open and close every meeting of the post with the members standing with bowed heads for-a minute. It was also voted td sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” at the close of every meeting.  A vote of thanks was accorded the People’s Democratic Club for Its courtesy in permitting the post, to hold a meeting in its quarters. Through Peter McGuiness the post was invited to make use of the club for meeting, purposes until a permanent location is arranged for.

Another request is made to the people of Greenpoint to send the names, addresses, organization and date of all men who gave their lives in the late war. This information should be sent to Mr. Welch, 161 Meserole Ave.