News Articles From 1933
Brooklyn Eagle January 29, 1933
Greenpoint Post, 241, American Legion is arranging its annual Night Club Frolic and Ball for Tuesday evening, Feb. 21, Washington’s Birthday evening, at the Legion’s Community ballroom, Greenpoint and Manhattan Aves.
Brooklyn Eagle February 5, 1933
The Greenpoint Post of the American Legion has arranged an amateur boxing program for Feb.14, at St. Anthony’s Hall.
Brooklyn Eagle March 5, 1933
News of War Veterans
Increase Membership
Greenpoint Post, 241, Sons of the Legion Billet, comprising Sons of Legion Members and deceased veterans of the World’s War is growing in membership. At the last meeting more than 30 members were present and the election of the officers were held.
The county committee is arranging a radio program and Greenpoint billet will take part in the entertainment.
Irish Night will be celebrated on March 15 by Greenpoint Post at the clubhouse. Arrangements are being completed for a Corn Beef and Cabbage supper and includes the usual home talent entertainment of post members.
Daily Star April 1,1933
Greenpoint Post
Indorses Plans
Of President
Feel He Will Not Permit
Veterans to Suffer in
Any Manner.
The members of Greenpoint Post 241, American Legion, want it known that the post is entirely in favor of the policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his economy bill.
Some time previous members of he post passed a resolution condemning the newspapers of the city for what they termed, “unfair and unwarranted attacks on the Brooklyn Congressmen for their negative vote on President Roosevelt’s economy bill “ The executive committee of Greenpoint Post met and approved a resolution which Praises the efforts and work President Roosevelt and puts Greenpoint Post of the Legion squarely behind him.
The resolution passed follows:
“ Our country since 1929 has been experiencing a depression which in its severity and extent has shaken the very foundation of our political financial and social system.
The American Legion and the State of New York have given to the American people a leader in the person of Franklin D Roosevelt, who since his inauguration on March 4 1933, as President of the United States of America has demonstrated his fitness and capacity for this highest office in the gift of the American people.
‘”Our comrade. Franklyn D. Roosevelt has so magnificently and courageously conducted and applied himself to the problems confronting this nation as to earn not only the love and affection of our own people but the respect, approbation and commendation of the entire world.
“It is necessary and imperative that the wounds inflicted upon our body politic by these black and terrible years of depression be healed.
“We believe the program outlined by our Comrade Franklin D. Roosevelt. President of the United States of America will, if given the support of the American people, abolish bread lines and give to all the opportunity of gainful employment.
We have implicit faith and confidence that the great heart of our Comrade Franklin D. Roosevelt, who personally knows the pangs and pains of physical impairment will never allow or permit an injustice to be done to any deserving veteran or veteran’s dependent.
“We the members of the Executive Committee of Greenpoint Post of New York. County of Kings, in special meeting assembled, do here by pledge the full measure of loyalty, devotion and support to our beloved comrade, the President of the United States of America, Franklin D. Roosevelt.”
It was ordered that a copy or this resolution be forwarded to the President of the United States, the national, state and county commanders and to the public press and that All delegates to this post to the County Committee and convention and convention be and they hereby are directed to speak in debate and cast their votes accordance with the text, spirit intent of the resolution.
Brooklyn Eagle April 2, 1933
News of War Veterans
Greenpoint Post Dance
Greenpoint Post, American Legion, held an April Fool Dance at the Legion’s Community Center, Greenpoint and Manhattan Aves., last night. The committee in charge was headed by William Junger, who was assisted by Joe Bonomo, George Dabame, Edward O’Neill, Lawrence Marsfia’, Henry Walsman, .Dred Marquardt, Bob Kenny, Joe Kuhl, Sam Gagiano, William D’Amato and Edward Duffy.
Brooklyn Eagle may 30, 1933
Allied Veterans
Hold Memorial
Ball in Greenpoint
The annual Memorial Day program under the auspices of the Allied Veterans Memorial Committee of Greenpoint got under way last night with a ball.
The ball took place at the Nulty Memorial Hall, 543 Leonard St., headquarters of the Corp. T. R. Nulty Post. 452, V. F. W., one of the three local veteran groups, comprising the committee. The other two are Greenpoint Post, 241, American Legion, and George Washington Post. 3, Polish Legion of America.
Committee Members
Edward O’Neil vice-commander of the Greenpoint Post was chairman of the ball assisting Anthony Totaro, past commander Corp. T. R. Nulty Past’ and Valentine Podwojoski, commander of the George Washington Post.
Attorney General John Bennett is the principal speaker at this afternoon’s exercises, which will be held at 4 o’clock in Winthrop Park Monitor Street and Driggs Avenue following a parade through the principal streets of Greenpoint in which 1,500 are expected to march.
Brooklyn Eagle June 4, 1933
2d District Meets Tuesday
Albert J. Cooke, State district commander of the 2d Judicial District, American Legion, comprising Nassau, Suffolk, Queens, Kings and Richmond, announced that a meeting of the 2d District will be held at the clubhouse of the Greenpoint Post, Greenpoint and Manhattan Avenues on Tuesday evening. Important problems confronting the district will be discussed.
Brooklyn Eagle July 9 1933
News of War Veterans
Spencer C. Young, former vice county commander, is being boomed for department vice commander of the Kings County American Legion according to an announcement from Legion headquarters, Room 1, Borough Hall.
Mr. Young is at present district deputy from the 6th District and very active in local legion circles. Last Fall he was instrumental in paving the way for the obtaining of $5,000 from the city toward the State convention deficit.
Due to the efforts of Spencer Young Greenpoint Post was able to HP | obtain the use of the old police station which they remodeled into an up-to-date clubhouse.
The Kings County organization was able to lease the old firehouse at 160 Pierrepont St. near Fulton, to be converted into a modern headquarters through the efforts of Mr. Young and Controller Charles W. Berry, who also is a legionnaire.
State Convention Near
The State Convention this year, which is only one month off, will be held at Binghamton, N. Y. 14th Infantry Post of the Legion held its annual dinner and celebration at Feltman’s, Coney Island, last night.
Victory Post held a dinner-dance last night at the pavilion at Howard Beach. More than 200 attended.
40 and 8’s Outing
The annual outing and shore dinner of Volture Locale, 17, of the Kings County Legion 40 and 8’s will be held on July 29 at Nassau Shores, Massapequa, L. I. The trip there and return will be made in special buses. A golf tournament and athletic games will be the principal features of the day.
Brooklyn Eagle July 29, 1933
Veterans News
Greenpoint Post. 241, American Legion is preparing for the nomination of officers
For the ensuing year at the post meeting on Wednesday evening at the clubhouse. The election of officers will be held at the meeting Aug. 15. A spirited contest for various offices are expected to be held at the election.
A farewell party for Jack Toomey will be held at the clubhouse on Aug. 9 and Mrs. Julia Toomey is in charge of the arrangements, in conjunction with the post and women’s organizations.
The post is aiding the Legion’s mountain camp hospital fund to raise the necessary funds for the veterans confined at the Tupper Lake Hospital.
The Legion will co-operate Steeplechase Park, Coney Island, Aug. 23, and a large delegation of post and women members will be present with their families.
The annual outing and shore dinner of Volture Locale, 17, of the Kings County Legion 40 and 8’s will be held on July 29 at Nassau Shores, Massapequa, L. I. The trip there and return will be made in special buses. A golf tournament and athletic games will be the principal features of the day.
Brooklyn Eagle November 16, 1933
Greenpoint Post Receives Colors;
Installs Officers
Legionaries Lauded for
Civic and Child Welfare
Work – Soviet Scored
The Green Point Savings Bank presented a set of national and post colors to Greenpoint Post 241, of the American Legion, at a military ceremony held last night in conjunction with the installation exercise of the post, at its headquarters, 145 Greenpoint Avenue.
George S.irby, assistant secretary of the bank, made the presentation. The colors were accepted for the post by its retiring commander. Joseph. Kuhl.
Kirby congratulated the post upon the outstanding work it has accomplished in the field of child welfare. The post has sponsored five Boy Scout troops in the section and allows ‘them the use of the Legion building for their meetings.
Pays Tribute
Kirby also paid tribute to the post’s “civic enterprise” in organizing and training a billet of Sons of the Legion composed of youngsters ranging from 6 to 14 years of age. He saw “a real accomplishment for community good in the “supervision and training of these boys in the principles of good citizenship and true Americanism.”
Edward A. O’Neil was installed commander of the post for the ensuing year. Other officers installed by County Commander James M. Golding and his staff included:
William Bogart, Vice-commander.
Andrew J. Moran, Vice-commander.
George Bedame, Vice-commander.
Edward J. Faith, Adjutant.
William Kupferie, Personnel adjutant.
Lawrence Marsillia, Finance officer.
George Welch, Historian.
Benjamin Dombrowskl, sergeant-at-arms.
The Rev. Benney Benson, chaplain.
Officers of the Greenpoint Women’s Memorial Association, auxiliary of the post, were installed by former County Commander James H. Johnson. Those installed were:
Mrs. Florence Thompson, president.
Mrs. Eliabeth Benson, vise president.
Mrs. Mae Marshall, vice president.
Miss Margaret O’Connor, treasurer.
Mrs. Minnie Erhardt, financial secretary.
Mrs. M. Hulson, recording secretary.
Mrs. Minnie Howells, corresponding secretary.
Mrs. Betty Funk, organist.
Mrs. Jeannette Denninger, sergeant-at-arms.
Mrs. Anna Sable, sergeant-at-arms.
Oppose Recognition
The Legion’s “unyielding opposition” to recognition of Soviet Russia by the United States was voiced by County Commander Golding in his annual message to the post.
This opposition will-last until Russia ceases its insidious spread of propaganda and un-American ideals in this country,” he said.
Other speakers included Supreme Court Justice John Macerate, Assistant Public Works Commissioner Peter J. McGuinness, State Vice Commander Spencer C. Young and Dr. I. Byrnes, president of the Green Point Chamber of Commerce. Retiring Commander Joseph Kuhl and Lawrence Marsilia, finance officer of the post, were the recipients of national citations. Commander Golding also presented Kuhl with a gold ring on “behalf pf the members “of the post.