Articles From 1978 – 1979
Greenpoint Gazette
Stefanizzi To Be Honored
On November 3, 1979, St. Stanislaus Memorial Post and the Greenpoint Community will, at a Testimonial Dinner, give recognition to a man who gave much of himself for the American Legion and his Community.
Nicholas Stefanizzi, Jr. has been active in every phase of community life short of running for an elective office. His accomplishments are many. Nine years ago, his first star shone over him. He married the lovely Karen Sgrizzi who made him a family man by making him the father of two cute daughters. Lisa who’s 8 years old and Donna who at the tender age Of 5, keeps going back to the drawing board to solve her problems.
For the past two years he was the Commander of St. Stan’s Post. His involvement in the community was 100%. Through his efforts, the Post kept abreast of community problems and was involved in many of its projects.
He is President of the Pioneer Democratic Club, on the staff of Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, member of the Society of St. Mary of the Snows, on the Board of Managers of the Y.M.C.A., member of the Smolenski Democratic Club, and a member of Community Planning Board No. 1 In the Legion, while being Americanism chairman, he won awards on the County, State and- National levels. He also arranged numerous fund raisers for the March of Dimes and helped in getting the Post to co-sponsor last year’s- Bike-A-Ton in Central Park. His most a recent achievement, of which he is very proud, is being co-founder of the Beadle-Vandervoort Civilian Mobile Patrol, a highly successful anti-crime program.
Nick is a member of St. Stanislaus Kosta Parish where his wife Karen is active in the Parents’ Club. He manages a family business in the neighborhood, Rite Beer Distributors.
Recently, he received another honor from the American Legion at the State level. He was appointed 2nd District Sgt.-At-Arms.
For information on the dinner call 383-2122.
November 13, 1979
St. Stan’s Post Dinner Honors Stefanizzi, Jr.
Stan’s Post: The Reverend Joseph Szpilski, Pastor of St. Stan’s Post; and Reverend Joseph Szpilski, Pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, who gave the invocation.
Presentation was made on behalf of the Post by John Montagano P. C. who gave a beautiful bouquet of roses to Karen Stefanizzi for the loan of her husband for the past two years. Ms. Tina Mann presented Nick with his 2nd District Sgt.-At-Arms cap on behalf of the ladies Auxiliary; Richard Fitzgerald P.c. presented the Guest of Honor with his Past Commader’s wrist watch; Albin Kowalski presented Nick with his Past Commander’s pin and the 94th Civilian Observation Patrol represented by Michael Carlo, Joseph Reemer and Sen. Thomas Bartosiewicz presented the honored guest the first patrol jacket. The type, which will be worn by all members of the patrol.
Many leaders besides Legionnaires were present from the Greenpoint area. Both Republicans and Democrats recognized the service given to the community by Nick Stefanizzi Jr. They came to pay tribute to a man who is civic minded, laying aside their politics for the evening.
Ritchy’s Catering outdid themselves for the evening with the Lopat Bros. soothing your rhythmic desires. Though the Band played till 2 a.m., the evening was very short.
The committee for the Dinner consisted of Nick Stefanizzi Sr. Chairman, John Montagno. Rich and Fitzgerald. Georga Gibney. Dave Grochulski. Greg Lydtin and AI Kowalski.
October 2, 1979, Greenpoint Gazette
43rd Pulaski Day Parade Order
St. Stanislaus Post American Legion Color Guard
Greenpoint Marshal: Mr. Frederick Lupenowicz
Aides: Rev. Jozef Szpilski, C.M. I Pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish, Rev. E. Kowalski, C.M. Rev. J. Sobotka, C.M. Rev. E. Spurgiasz, C.M. B. Altyn, H. Altyn, S. Adamkiewicz, S. Adamkiewicz, Jr., J. Bartosiewicz, J. Bekarciak, C. Clarke, E. Campbell, S. Dirkes, E. Jones, J. Klewicki, C. Kugaczewski, H. Lucas, R. Lucas, P. Lupinowicz, M. Mc Aree, C. Mc Mullen, H. Paterek, L. Pudecki, V. Slater, V. Soliwoda, H. Stobierski, M. W norowski, E. Zalewski.
Congressman F. Richmond, Senator T. Bartosiewicz, Assemblyman J. Lentol
Band: Our Lady of Fatima Drum Corps
St. Stanislaus Kostka School Children
St. Stans Athletic League
Krakowianki i Gorale
Boy Scouts of America Pack 643
Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality
St. Cecilia Choir
A. Mickiewicz Dramatic Club
A. Mickiewicz Dramatic Circle
Our Lady of Fatima Society
St. Ann’s Society
St. Barbary Society
St. Theresa Society
Holy Rosary Society
Sacred Heart Society
Float: “Cousin Eddie Band” Eddie Czerwinski of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N.Y.
St. Aloysius Society
Holy Name Society
St. Stanislaus B.M. Society Church Ushers Society
Parents Club
Miss Polina and attendants Float (Green point Gazette 9 polish National Home)
SS Cyril and Methodius Parish
Rev. Leon Baltrucki Pastor of SS Cyril and Methodius Parish, Rev.
Monsenior M. Mrozinski P.E., Rev. F. Bien, Rev. M. Obernikowicz
Bands: St. Benedict Band
SS. Cyril and Methodius School Children
Parents Club
Boy Scouts of America Trout 478 St. Ann’s Society
Holy Name Society
Regina Coeli Choir
Polonia Club
Help A Scout Go To Summer Camp
By Steven P. Adamezyk
On Sunday, February 25, Boy scout troops 862, 466 and 469 are having a. communion breakfast to raise money for the boys to go to summer camp. Mass will be said at 10: 15 a.m. at St. Anthony’s Church on Manhattan Ave. between Greenpoint Ave. and Calyer St. Immediately following Mass, breakfast will be cooked and served by the three troops at St. Stanislaus Memorial Post 1771, 100 McGuiness Blvd., between Norman and Nassau Avenues. There will be a choice of eggs, pancakes, toast, coffee, tea, milk and juice. (All you can eat.) Admission for breakfast will be $1.25 adults $.75 for children and $1.00 for senior citizens.
The three troops have worked very hard in addition to the breakfast in preparing exhibits on community living, citizenship and camping. There will be camping equipment on view as well as demonstrations on knots, lashings and other skills. Mayor Koch and Senator Bartowchwicz have been invited; We sincerely look forward to help you understand the real meaning of scouting and how much it means to all of us.
Stefanizzi Endorsed For Kings County
American Legion Commander.
On Sunday, June 4th, there will be a cocktail party and reception for Nicholas P. Stefanizzi Sr.
It is being given to introduce St. Stan’s Post candidate for County Commander of Kings County American Legion. Post members, friends and neighbors are invited to participate. Refreshments and buffet will be served.
The endorsement of Nicholas P. Stefanizzi Sr., for County Commander, was passed by the members of St. Stan’s Post unanimously. At the County meetings, since March, the following Posts have sent their letter of endorsement for Nicholas P. Stefanizzi Sr.
Amity Post;. Bedame-Sessa Post; Bedford Memorial Post & Canarsie Post; Diamond Post; Floyd Bennet Post; Flatlands Post; Kings Highway Post; Liberty Post; George Washington Post and Windsor Terrace Post.
Mr. Stefanizzi is a Charter member of St. Stan’s Post with a Life membership. Life member I ship is presented to those who have for many years been involved in the American Legion in their Post and Community work through the American Legion. He was the Post Commander from 1952 to 1954, again serving in the same capacity from 1973 to 1975. A year prior to his holding office in the County, in 1975, he chaired the Kings County Band Dance.
In 1975 he was elected to a two year tenure as a County Executive Committeeman, where he one again” was appointed chairman c the County Band and the Ban Dance.
In 1977 Mr. Stefanizzi was elected one of the County vice Commanders. Again, due to his past successes, he was appointed chairman of the County Band and the Dance. For the Past two, years, he was overall chairman of the Legion Ball, which was held at the Hotel Granada.
In 1976 he was appointed as member of the National Legislative Council, of the American Legion. “If I’m elected, the honor is not mine but belongs to St. Stan’s Post which to me, is the finest Post in the County.” says: Mr. Stefanizzi.
The reception will take place at Post Headquarters, 100 McGuinness Blvd., starting at three in the afternoon and continuing till seven in the evening. Tickets are at $5.00 per person. Music will be furnished by Bernie Oades.
Greenpoint Gazette
Wrestling Fans Go Wild
At St. Stans Post!!
As Commissioner Petey Della Orders
A Re-Match For March 16th Show
The Super-Pole Ivan Putski was so furious over his match with Bob Duncun that when the referee raised the Cowboy’s hand as winner of the match, “Putski” refused to leave the ring contending Duncun didn’t win the match fair & square and demanded the match to continue.
Commissioner Della. & Promoter, Tommy Dee went to the locker room as Putski still refused to leave the ring. Downstairs, the commissioner ordered Bob Duncum 10 sign a contract with Promoter Dee right then & there or else face suspension. Duncum bleeding from the forehead and nose agreed to the terms and signed on the spot.
Commissioner & Promoter returned to the ring where Putski was anxiously waiting for the rematch announcement. To Putski’s and the fans’ delight, the promoter will install a neutral referee “Pat Patterson.” Put ski said a few words in Polish to his fans and went storming out of the ring. Wrestling is at its best in Grcenpoint!
Other matches signed for Sunday, March 16th are:
“Sensational” Tito Santana vs. Incredible Hulk Hogan
Johnny Rodz vs. Florida Greatt Steve Keirn
Rene Goulet vs. Jose Estrada
Angelo Gomez vs. Steve King.
Tickets are available at Rite Beer, 749 Humboldt St. from 8am 10pm or at Petey Della’s Restaurant. 133 Nassau Ave. For reservations call 244-4270.