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Legion Corner 1979

June 12, 1979



Wednesday, June 6th, St. Stan’s Post at their regular meeting held their annual elections of officers for the Legion year .1979-80.

The following members were elected to the Executive Committee:
COMMANDER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Albin Kowalski
VICE-COMMANDERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Merjave, William Janovcsik, Peter Kowpak, Gregory Lydting
ADJUTANT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Thomas Lisacek
FINANCE OFFICER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Michael Justynowicz
P. C. CHAPLAIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Alexander Dyakiw
HISTORIAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. J. Edward Leddick
SERVICE OFFICER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Fitzgerald P. G.
JVDGEADVOCATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .Alexander Malewski
SGT-AT-ARMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter Balutowski
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMEN. . . . Edward Strack Harry Schwartz George Gibney Edward Dobowski George Retmanski.

May I wish one and all a very successful year. Anyone not familiar with the members of St. Stan’s Post and wonder if the Commander-elect and the man who puts this column together are related, I’m happy to say they are not. They are one and the same. I shall continue the tradition of giving this Post the dignified representation it deserves. All I ask is for a prayer or two or three, for me and the Executive Committee.

September 25, 1979

Legion Corner

1771 Installation of Officers

On Friday evening, September 21st, in that pouring downpour of rain, we had a darn good turnout for the installation of the newly I elected officers. It has to be a tribute to the Executive Committee.

I do hope it was worth the trip. I thought so. The ladies have out done themselves, once more. Virginia Ham, Roast Beer, Chicken, Baked Beans, Salads, both macaroni and potato. Yes, I’d say it was worth the trip.

Personally, I would like to “Thank” the Aux. President, Tina Mann; Dotty Montagano, Marie Leddick, Terry Gibney and Millie Stefanizzi for their contributions to the Buffet table.

Of the men, Dave Grochulski and Jack NessenthaIer for their handling of the bar. To Ed Leddick and Stanley Jusczynski for the spotless lounge. To Nick Stefanizzi Jr. for his acting as co-chairman. Last but not in the least the chairman, John Montagano. He was like a mother hen seeing every little thing was in order. (and it was!) Andy and His Trio supplied the live music for the evening.

A “Special” Bouquet of Roses to Lottie Baranowski who felt bad she couldn’t fulfilI her promise. You see, her husbands father was buried last Friday, the day of the Installation we had Kielbasi to replace your delicious Swedish meatballs. They didn’t really replace them, just took up that space because nothing can replace your meatballs, Lottie There’s always a next time. God Bless You.

The program was a short one. The officers were installed by, Junior Past Department Commander Joseph Saia and County Treasurer James Alexander. The Commander was installed by the County Commander, Mary Cotterill. Nicholas Stefanizzi Jr. was the M.C. Other guest on the Dais was Nicholas Stefanizzi Sr. Jr. Past County Commander. One other guest should have been on the Dais but believe it of not, she was too busy in the kitchen! Tina Mann, the Auxiliary President.

Now, as Commander, my personal “THANKS” everyone for making the evening a memorable one, for me.