News Articles From 1938
Brooklyn Eagle December 12, 1938
Sons of Legion
Borough-Wide Fete
To Be Held Feb. 16
Notables Invited
The Kings County Division of the, Sons of the Legion will tender a testimonial dinner to its county, chairman, Howard Anderson, to mark his elevation to the post of State detachment commander of the junior group by Maj. Frank. C. Love, State commander of the American Legion. Joseph McGovern of the William E. Sheridan Police Post has been selected as the general chairman. He will be assisted by George Badame, Greenpoint Post; Jack Brevda, Rugby Post and Edward Harper, Rugby Post. Edwin J. Duffy of Greenpoint Post is in charge of publicity. The date has been tentatively set for Feb. 16 at the Hotel Granada.
High Legion officials who will attend include the State commander, Maurice Stember, State adjutant: Attorney General John J. Bennett Jr., County Commander William A. Halloran, Past County Commanders James M. Clark, Harry B. Ahrens, Charles E. Warren, Irving M. Saunders, Milton Solomon, George A. Wingate, James H. Johnson, Joseph M. Murray, Emil N. Baar and Thomas F. Dugan. Past County Commander Harold R. Reynolds will act as the master of ceremonies. County Capt. John Smith of the Sons of the Legion will head the large delegations representing the various detachments throughout the county. Anderson, who has served as county chairman of the Soils of the Legion committee since the administration of James M. Clark, who s credited with being the originator of—the junior squadron, increased the membership of his units so that Kings County has the largest membership in the country.