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News Articles From 1960

Long Island Star Journal, May 26, 1960

Election Set
Legion Post


Greenpoint Post, American Legion, will elect new officers at a meeting scheduled for Friday evening, June 3, in post headquarters a t Manhattan and Greenpoint avenues.


According to William F. Leonick, present commander, those nominated are:


Albert Berg and Charles Meyer, for commander the only contest for office, Rocco DeGerardo, Joseph Meyer and Harry Krusch, vice-commanders; Matthew Przechocki, adjutant; Edwin J. Duffy, assistant adjutant and service officer; Julius E. Hoier, finance officer; Leonick, chaplain: Joseph Ligarzewski, historian, and William Leier, sergeant-at-arms.


Nominated to serve on the executive committee are:


Duffy, Theodore Wisneiwski, Walter Ziembicki, Frank Gregorash, Sol Feinberg, Joseph Demko, Stephen Kolakowski, Louis Malecki, Robert T. McConnell, Edmond J. Koscincki, Milton Sklar and Joseph Grippo.


Officers and executive committee members will serve as delegates and alternates to the county convention in June. Ziembicki a past commander, will serve as delegate to the state convention in August and delegates will soon be picked to attend the national convention in October.