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News Articles From 1920

Brooklyn Daily Eagle February 15, 1920


Will Make Posthumous Members; Greenpoint Post No. 241 held its first meeting in the new headquarters, in the Masonic Temple, Manhattan Ave., and Meserole Ave., last Monday evening.


Chairman Welsch of the honor roll committee reported that he succeeded in obtaining a complete list of Greenpoint men who died during the late war. It is proposed to make every comrade a posthumous member of the post. Mr. Welsch has a resolution framed to present at the next meeting.


A committee representing both the Women’s Auxiliary and the post are planning to make a strong appeal for funds erection of the proposed Community House. Several hundred dollars have already been received.


The Women’s Auxiliary held a meeting Friday night and elected Permanent officers” for the first year, which are as follows: Miss Hehriette R. Ludder, president Mrs. P. Duffy, first vice president; Mrs. V. E. Harrison, second vice president; Miss Jennie Jorce, third vice president; Miss Kitty Duffy, secretary and Mrs. Fred Raddatz, treasurer.


Daily Star March 5, 1920




Greenpoint Post, No. 241, American Legion, held an open meeting for all ex-service men at headquarters, 761 Manhattan Avenue, on Monday evening.


The principal speaker was Harry Qurllngame of the War Risk Bureau,  West Forty-third Street. Manhattan. Mr. Burllngame, himself a veteran and a member of both the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, told many interesting and amusing stories of the war. He explained to the men who were disabled how they could go about filing claims or compensation, treatment and vocational training.


Mr. Burllngame also endeavored to instill in the minds of all ex-service men the value they should place in their Government insurance, stating the various rates and explaining that this insurance Is the best asset a roan could have.


John if, Johnston, the post’s representative on the county committee, spoke on the membership drive that is now in progress. Many new members have already appeared. Mr. Johnston pointed out that Greenpoint had 6,000 or more men in the service, and while Greenpoint Post Is large, there is no reason why it should not receive at least 500 more new members.


At the close of the meeting refreshments were served and selections were rendered by

the post band.


Commander Welch is endeavoring to secure Miss Lillian Bell as a speaker for the next social meeting.


Brooklyn  Eagle, June, 13 1920


News of American Legion Posts
Of Brooklyn and Long Island


At a regular meeting last Monday evening, Greenpoint. Post No. 241 adopted a new constitution and elected the following new officers provided by it; John Wittmer, chaplain; Fred Sturchen, financial secretary, and Harold R. Barnes, delegate to the Kings County Committee.


After a talk by Miss Scranton and Miss Huxley of the American Library Association, the post adopted resolutions expressing its approval of the association’s work and recommending that the executive committee consider the contribution of a sum of money to it.


Miss Winifred M. Handy, of 337 Lexington Avenue, will take the part of Irene in the play, “Seven Chances, to be given jointly by the Joyce Kilmer and Dolly Madison Posts of the Legion on June 19.


Brooklyn Eagle August 5, 1920



The members of Greenpoint Post No. 241, American Legion, held a shirtwaist dance lasts night in Ascension Hall, Java Street near Manhattan Avenue. It was a gala affair and was participated in by 200 young couples. The committee of arrangements consisted of George Nelsen, chairman; Frederick Sturcken, Lawrence Hansen, Howard Baldwin, James Schreck, Frederick Ether, Frank Dunn, William Knipe.


Daily Star August 21, 1920


Ludder To Be
State Legion
Kings Delegate


Greenpoint Post, No. 241, American Legion, was represented at the second annual Kings County convention of the legion, held August 17 and 18, at the Twenty-third Regiment Armory.  Last night the convention opened t 7 P.M. and closed about 3 o’clock in the morning. The Greenpoint Post had five delegates at the convention. They were Messrs, Sprigade Ludder, Rose, Sturcken and (intelligible) The alternates were Messrs. Cooper, Kozier, Schreck and or. The convention consisted of approximately 500 delegates from all the posts in Kings County. The whole convention was a lively affair proved that the American Legion an organization which will take a prominent part in the history of this country. On the first night of the convention, Herman E. Sprigade made a speech on the floor of the convention, holding the attention of the big crowd.


Mr. Sprigade nominated Carsten H. Ludder as delegate to the State convention to be held September 10 and 11 at Albany. On the second night of the convention the Greenpoint worked hard and fast protecting the interest of Mr. Ludder, and when the tally of the votes was made Thursday morning at 3 a. m., the Greenpoint delegates left the hall happy, by reason of their success in electing Mr. Ludder.


This means that the Greenpoint has taken a step upward and the activities and men are to be recognized by other posts In the country.

The legion rooms are still a busy lace and every night post members gad men call on men apply for their Victory Medal.

All ex-service men who have not applied for their medal can apply at the legion rooms.