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News Articles From 1925

Daily Star July 17, 1925



The benefit bout* for the American Legion Endowment Fund drive will be held tonight beginning at 8:30 o’clock at McGOLRICK Field Greenpoint.


The entire proceeds of the Matches this evening will be turned over to the fund for the disabled veterans which the Legion has been conducting and which Greenpoint Post has contributed heavily to.


A large crowd of light fang Is expected tonight as the open air bouts which were started this year In Greenpoint are proving successful. Fans have come here from all parts of the borough and from Manhattan to witness the matches.


128 pounds—Walter McGrory, St. Jerome’s C. C, vs. Freddy Hubner, New Jersey Irish-American.


320 pounds—Rocky Mason, Greenpoint, vs. Benny Young, Omar Khyam Club.


128 pounds—Tom Francis, Corona. Caseys, vs. Willlia Aronson, Suffolk A. C.


120 pounds—Timmy Quill, Ozanam. Terry Mellilo Newark Rec. Club.


112 pounds—Al Morgan (metropolitan champion). Ozanam vs. Jimmy Burns, Ascension Parish House.


114 pounds—George Barrett, Ozanam vs. Stanley Cross, Trinity A. C.


118 pounds—Eddie McKenzie, Ozanam, vs. Frank Triola, Corona Caseys.


135 pounds—Ben Riess, City Line A. C. vs. Emil Fareese, Newark Rec. Club.


140 pounds—Al Kaufman. Knights of St. Anton, Greenpoint, vs. John Smith. Newark Rec. Club.


130 pounds—Charles Russo. Newark Rec. Club vs. Jack Aldare, Loughlin Lyceum, Greenpoint,


Also to appear, Jim Braddock. Jack Cohen, Billy Kelly. Larry Ray.