Casualty List For Greenpoint
The following information comes from the
New York Honor Roll
published by the Adjutant General Kineaid in 1919.
Ascensi Joseph
319 Leonard Street, Brooklyn
Private Co M 23rd Infantry
Killed in action June 6, 1918.
Ascensi William
319 Leonard Street, Brooklyn
Private 507th Aer Sq Avia Gen Sup Dep Fairfield Ohio
Died of Bronchia pneumonia following Influenza Oct. 8, 1918.
Auty William J.
296A Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn
Cook Co A 83rd Infantry
Died of lobar pneumonia October 12, 1918.
Baliszewski Frank J.
2 Clifford Place, Brooklyn
Private Co E 9th Infantry
Died of wounds October 4, 1918.
Bartone Donate
833 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co E 16th Infantry
Killed in action July 19, 1918.
Beach Joseph G.
137 Guernsey Street, Greenpoint
Private Co M 305th Infantry
Killed in action October 4, 1918.
Belmegis Heppocrates
19 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn
Ship’s Cook 4th Class U S N R F
Died October 10, 1918.
Benson William
645 Manhattan Avenue Brooklyn
Corp Amb Co 314 304th Sn Tn
Killed in action September , 1918.
Bergen Carl A.
115 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Ave Sec Sig Corps
Died of pneumonia October 23, 1918.
Bergvist Set. H.
131 Engert Avenue Brooklyn care of Mrs. Emma Jackson (sister)
Private Co A 1S Engrs
Died of wounds October 19, 1918.
Black – George A. Private George Alphonsus Black who died of wounds Oct 5,
was the 27-year-old son of John J and Catherine Black of 87 India Street.
He was born in New York and when he was very young his parents moved
to Greenpoint where he attended and was graduated from PS 126.
When this country declared war on Germany he tried to enlist three times but failed.
He was drafted last February and went overseas with
Company D 306th Machine Gun Battalion. The last letter his parents
received from him was dated Sept 2.
The heartbroken mother said last night that in the midst of her terrible
grief she rejoiced that her boy had died for his country.
Another brother Dr. John J Black is with the Medical Reserve Corps.
Blirnell Joseph
1109 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co F 103d Infantry
Killed in action July 20, 1918.
Bluefstein William
1050 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Btry B 307th FA
Died of gunshot wounds, September 12, 1918
Bogdanowis Edward
159 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn
Corp Co K 310th Infantry
Killed in action August 22, 1918.
Briscoe Nicholas
235 Leonard Street, Brooklyn
Private 23rd Co 1 52nd Det Brig
Died of bronchia pneumonia October 8, 1918.
Buickas Baltras
168 Leonard Street, Brooklyn
Private Co H 305th Infantry
Killed in action October 3, 1918.
Byrne Patrick J
444 Meeker Avenue Brooklyn
Private Co M 165th Infantry
Killed in action July 26, 1918.
Caputo Domenico
818 Kent Avenue Brooklyn
Private Co B 305th Infantry
Died of accidental bomb discharge June 3,1918.
Clancy Thos Vincent
163 India Street, Brooklyn
Engineman 2d Cassl U S N R F
Died October 13,1918.
Clark Joseph P.
302 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co I 108th Infantry
Killed in action September 28, 1918.
Cleave William A
645 West Street, Brooklyn
Sgt Co I 106th Infantry
Died of wounds October 6, 1918.
Cognato Joseph P
139 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co H 108th Infantry
Killed in action September 29, 1918.
Cohen Joseph Louis
180 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co B 310th Infantry
Killed in action September 30, 1918.
Private Joseph Louis Cohen was killed Sept 30, according to word
received by is mother Mrs. Rebecca Cohen of 180 Nassau Avenue
Cohen was 24 years old was drafted in September 1917
and had been in France since April as a member of Company B 310th Infantry.
Conners William Francis
159 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co K 311th Infantry
Died of septic and bronchia pneumonia
January 13, 1919.
Contino Michael
825 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Serv Co I A M C
Died of Influenza and bronchia pneumonia
October 6, 1918.
Cook Martin Joseph
283 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn
55th Co U S M C
Killed in action June 12, 1918.
Curry James E
287 Leonard Street Brooklyn
Seaman U S N
Died November 7, 1920.
Cudmore John T.
448 Berry Street, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co M 106th Infantry
Killed in action September 2, 1918.
Cullen William J.
125 Freeman Street Brooklyn
Cpl 333d Guard & Fire Co
Died of lobar pneumonia and Influenza
December 12, 1918.
De Floro Ralph
212 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co H 147th Infantry
Died of wounds October 11, 1918.
Denig George L
186 India Street, Brooklyn
Private Co K 114th Infantry
Killed in action October 12, 1918.
Deniger Jesse J
271 West Street, Brooklyn
Corp Co E 106th Infantry
Killed in action September 27, 1918 .
Dillitz Sam
38 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co L 307th Infantry
Died of wounds November 12, 1918.
Domkus Joseph
513 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn
Private1St Class Co B 307th Infantry
Died of wounds September 1, 1918.
Donlon Patrick
31 Driggs Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co G 114th Infantry
Killed in action October 8, 1918.
Drezwicki Raphael A
635 Humboldt Street, Brooklyn
Private Co L 307th Infantry
Killed in action September 14, 1918.
Private Raphael Danzwicki was killed in action Sept 14
from the official notification given his mother Nellie.
He was 24 yrs old and was drafted in April 1917.
He reached France in April of this year.
He attended St. Anthony’ s School but left his studies to accept a
responsible position with a varnish concern in Manhattan.
In a letter dated Aug 2 he said it was fun to watch the Huns jump
from their hiding places and run across the open fields
like a bunch of rats being chased by a cat.
Duffy Walter F.
625 Morgan Avenue, Brooklyn
Corp Co A 23d Infantry N Y N G Co A 106th Infantry to September 27 1918
Killed in action September 27, 1918.
Corporal Walter F Duffy killed in action Sept 27 was the 21-year-old
son of Edmund F Duffy the engineer of Fire Engine Company 238
who lives at 625 Morgan Avenue. The young man who was noted for
his bravery had been “over the top” seven times according to letters to
his parents Duffy attended Public School 110 and also went through
a course in Commercial High School. He was employed by a brokerage
firm in Manhattan when he enlisted in June of last year with the old
Twenty-third regiment from which he was transferred to
Company C 106th Infantry. In his letters before his death he related thrilling
incidents of the battles he was in and said he was ready to go over
the top for the eighth time.
Dunkel Joseph
67 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn
Corp Co F 23d Infantry N Y N G Co F 106th Infantry
Killed in action September 28, 1918.
Dunseath John J.
97 Eckford Street, Brooklyn
Storekeeper 3d Class U S N R F
Died March 8, 1920.
Freeman John P.
236 Kingsland Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co C 102d Engrs
Killed in action September 30, 1918.
On Sept 30 Private John P Freeman was killed in action.
He lived with an aunt Mrs. E Kennedy, 236 Kingsland Avenue.
He attended St. Cecilia’s RC Church. He enlisted in the
Forty-seventh Regiment and went to France with
Company C 305th Infantry.
Freidel Michael
54 Morgan Avenue Brooklyn
Private Co M 311th Infantry
Killed in action October 26, 1918.
Fuhrman Paul C.
140 Guernsey Street, Brooklyn
Corp Co B 9th M G Bn
Died of accidental gunshot wound
November 8, 1918.
Foley Frank J.
922 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co C 165th Infantry
Died of wounds October 13, 1918.
Ford George
143 Guernsey Street, Brooklyn
Sgt Btry B 305th F A
Died of bronchia pneumonia
February 7, 1919.
Frank Harry
261 Humboldt Street, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Aux Rmt Dep 303
Died March 14, 1918.
Frascati Giovanni
617 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co M 307th Infantry
Died of woundsAugust 24, 1918.
Garbaczewski Walter
80 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co C 109thM G Bn
Died of pulmonary edema
November 8, 1919.
Gilway William Francis
161 Eagle Street, Brooklyn
Private 8th Co 152d Dep Brig
Died of pneumonia October 13, 1918.
Goodale George F.
135 Milton Street
Private Goodale reported as having died of disease is not
known at 135 Milton Street the address given in the official
German Michael T.
49 Sutton Street Brooklyn
Private Co M 102d Engrs
(NOTE: Possible same as name below)
Gorman Michael F.
Died of Influenza and bronchia pneumonia November 7, 1918.
Private Michael F. Gorman of 49 Russell Street is reported to have
died of disease Nov 7. He was a machinist when he enlisted in the
Forty-seventh Regiment. He went to France with Company E 102d Engineers.
He was 26 years old A brother James is with Company D 168th Infantry.
He has been gassed and is now convalescing in a base hospital in France.
Greb George A.
196 Russell Street, Brooklyn
Private 1S Class Co K 308th Infantry
Killed in action October 5, 1918.
Graff Peter
114 Kingsland Avenue, Brooklyn
Chief Water Tender U S N
Died July 22, 1918.
Hendrickson Harry
986 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Pay Clerk
Died Naval Hosp Brooklyn NY
December 25,1918.
Harney Patrick
106 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co G 306th Infantry
Killed in action August 28, 1918.
Hertz David
95 India Street Brooklyn
Private S A T C N Y Univ N Y City
Died Influenza developing pneumonia
December 6, 1918.
Hickey Paul P.
157 Engert Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co K 358th Infantry
Died of wounds in action
September 28,1918.
Holmgreen Mandus
59 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co L 305th Infantry
Died of wounds in action August 31, 1918.
Hurban Mike
636 Driggs Avenue Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co K 148th Infantry
Died of wounds in action November 1, 1918
Johnson Charles A.
16 October 1918 Johnston – Private Charles A Johnston of
129 Oak Street, Brooklyn, died at Camp Johnson, Fla. on
Oct 9 in his 24th year. Funeral from his late residence
Thursday Oct 17 at 3 pm. He is survived by his father James; one sister Agnes
and one brother William who is in a base hospital at Stratford, England.
Charles Johnston was Chancellor Commander of
Royal Prince Lodge K of P No 206 and secretary of
George Argyle Mutual Benefit Association of Ridgewood. Members of both
orders are invited to services. Interment under direction of
W. L. Russell, undertaker.
Killeen James
143 West Street, Brooklyn
Private Co M 49th Infantry
Died September 8, 1918.
Kisilowski Antoni
141 Berry Street, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co H 16th Infantry
Killed in action June 8, 1918.
Klerceski Toni
305 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co I 106th Infantry
Killed in action September 27, 1918.
Knab Peter Thomas
180 Richardson Street, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co B 307th Infantry
Died of wounds in action
September 11, 1918.
Korman Nicholas
1033 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co L 9th Infantry
Killed in action November 4, 1918.
Loesel George J
172 Meeker Avenue, Brooklyn
Cook, 378th Aero Sq.
Died of lobar pneumonia October 8, 1918.
Losinno Josepb
92 Herbert Street, Brooklyn
Private Motor Co. 15th Med Det
Died of bronchia pneumonia right lung all lobes
October 18, 1918.
Landis Anthony
247 Kingsland Avenue, Brooklyn
Private 2d Bin Co. A S Sig C
Died of Influenza and pneumonia
October 14, 1918.
Leddin William
78 Berry Street, Brooklyn
Private 313th Infantry
Died of wounds September 28, 1918.
Private William Leddin 24 years old wrote on Sept 1 to his sister Lydia Leddin
of 8 Berry Street that he was feeling fine. She has not received word that
he died from wounds Sept 28. Leddin was in the paint business
when drafted in January. He went to France with Company A 313 Infantry.
Miss Lydia Leddin of 78 Berry Street is in receipt of a telegram from the
War Department announcing the death of her brother Private William Leddin
on Sept 28 He had lived with his sister was 24 years old born in the
Fourteenth Ward and graduated from Street Vincent de Paul’s RC School.
He was drafted in Sept 1917 became a member of
Company A 313th Infantry and sailed for France in August.
His name is not reported in the official list.
Lesch Charles
174 Freeman Street, Brooklyn
Private Co D 126th Infantry
Killed in action June 19, 1918.
Private Charles J Lesch reported to-day as killed in action in France
was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lesch of 174 Freeman Street.
He was called to the National Army on Oct 10 and sent to Camp Upton.
He sailed for France in March Lesch was born in Greenpoint twenty-two
years ago and had lived in this section all his life He was well known
and popular in religious and social circles.
Lesch Charles Joseph
Private Charles Joseph Lesch of 171 Freeman Street was killed
in action on July 19. He was 21 years old was drafted and went to
France in April with Company F 305th Infantry.
Luolo Antonas
121 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co D 4th Infantry
Killed in action July 23, 1918.
Lynch Thomas J
149 Meserole Avenue, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Btry C 3d FA
Died of pneumonia September 24, 1918.
Lynch Maurice J
152 Norman Avenue, Brooklyn
1St Sgt Co L 47th Infantry
Killed in action October 4, 1918.
Martin George
728 Franklin Street, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co E 301Street Engrs
Died of pneumonia September 23, 1918.
Martin Patrick H.
297 Green Street, Brooklyn
Private Co I 18th Infantry
Killed in action October 6, 1918.
Masone Domenico
347 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co F 114th Infantry
Killed in action, October 12, 1918.
Masso John
72 Richardson Street, Brooklyn
Private Co C 53d Pion Infantry
Died opium poisoning acute cardiac
dilation congestion of edema of lungs
August 3, 1918.
McAree Terence
211 Kent Street, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co D 165th Infantry
Killed in action July 29, 1918.
McCarthy Eugene Peter
182 India Street, Brooklyn
Machinist Mate 2d Class U S N R F
Died March 30, 1919.
McCree Private Terrence
killed in action July 18 was 28 years old and had made his home with
a cousin Mary Hughes at 211 Kent Street Greenpoint. He enlisted in the
old Sixty-ninth Regiment in July 1917 and when it went overseas as
the 165th Infantry. McCree went with it in Company C.
McDermott Thomas J.
171 Java Street, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co M 307th Infantry
Killed in action September 9, 1918.
A telegram received by Miss Mary McDermott from the War Dept
told her that her brother James was killed in action on Sept 9. He was
25 yrs. old and lived with his sister at 196 Java Street. He was drafted in
September and was assigned to Co M 307th Infantry. He reached France
in April. Three brothers, Joe, Peter and Patrick are in the service. Peter,
who joined an English regiment, is a prisoner at one of the German
camps. Three cousins John, Peter and Jerry McGrath are on the battle
front in France. Private McDermott’s name has not yet appeared
on the official casualty list.
McKay John J.
416 Meeker Avenue, Brooklyn
Private MG Co 165th Infantry
Killed in action October 15 1918.
McVeigh James J.
20 Hausman Street, Brooklyn
Private Co E 106th Infantry
Killed in action September 27, 1918.
McVeigh Andrew J 20 Hausman Street, Brooklyn
Private Co A 313th Engrs
Killed in action September 26, 1918.
Minnagh William Francis
729 Humboldt Street, Brooklyn
Fireman 1St Class U S N R F
Died September 27,1918.
Michael Anthony
528 Graham Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co A 165th Infantry
Died of wounds August 10, 1918.
Mullane James
911 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Landsman Electrician Radio U S N R F
Died April 22, 1918.
Murry William
89 Dupont Street, Brooklyn
Coxswain U S N R F
Died May 19, 1919.
Nehvadowich Wasili
80 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Hq. Co 325th Infantry
Died of wounds October 22, 1918.
Neugebauer Frank A.
195 Freeman Street, Brooklyn
Private Co M 108th Infantry
Killed in action September 28, 1918.
Noce Joseph
The parents of Private Joseph Noce 181 Frost Street are doubtful
about his death. A telegram received from the War Department stated
that he died from pneumonia Oct. 30. On the date of Oct. 31, the young
man writes home that he is enjoying good health but is doing some
stiff fighting. Noce is the son of Joseph and Margaret. He is twenty-five
years old. He went to France with Company F 312th Engineers.
Nulty Thomas Raymond
683 Leonard Street, Brooklyn
Corp M G Bn 165th Infantry
Killed in action July 28, 1918.
O’ Briest Charles
32 Herbert Street, Brooklyn
Quartermaster 2nd Class U S N
Died September 27, 1918.
O’ Grady John Joseph
108 Eckford Street, Brooklyn
Fireman 1St Class U S N
Died July 24, 1919.
Orlowski John R
15 Broome Street, Brooklyn
Private 32d Co 152d Dep Brig
Died of bronchia pneumonia October 28, 1918.
OsStreetroy Paul
143 India Street, Brooklyn
Private Co B 313th Infantry
Killed in action November 3, 1918.
O’Brien Jeremiah
853 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co A 102d Engrs.
Killed in action October 17, 1918.
O’Connor John J.
201 Kent Street, Brooklyn
Private Co I 165th Infantry
Died of pulmonary tuberculosis
September 29, 1918.
Peterson Fritz Emil
47 Driggs Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Hq. Co.306th Infantry
Died of wounds October 11, 1918.
QuInfantryo Crisofaro
222 Franklin Street, Brooklyn
Private Co B 313th Infantry
Killed in action September 26, 1918.
Rivenburgh Frank
171 Meserole Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co B 313th Infantry
Killed in action September 27, 1918.
Robertson George Hunter
596 Leonard Street, Brooklyn
Corporal Co D 325th Infantry
Killed in action October 15, 1918.
Sanwald Louis N.
217 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co D 106th Infantry
Killed in action October 20, 1918.
Savage Thomas A.
243 Greenpoint Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Unit 5 ll6th Am Tn 38th Div
Died of Influenza September 8, 1918.
Schmitzer George A.
679 Leonard Street, Brooklyn
Private Co D 111th Infantry
Killed in action October 1, 1918.
Schindler Adolph Otto Jr.
88 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn
Sgt Co F 305th Infantry
Died of wounds in action September 28, 1918.
Sergeant Otto Adolph Schindler Jr. 24 years old, of 88 Nassau Avenue who
went to France Sept. 29, 1917 with Company F 305th Infantry was killed in
an accident Sept 28 last. His mother is consoled by the fact that “he died for a
good cause like so many of our boys over there “.
Schmitt Thomas
173 Russell Street, Brooklyn
Private Co B 128th Infantry
Died of wounds in action October 9, 1918.
Schwartz Morris M
65 Meeker Avenue Brooklyn
Private1St Class Co E 106th Infantry
Killed in action September 27,1918.
Seiber George
128 Norman Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Btry E 304th FA
Killed in action September 9, 1918.
Silvestri Joseph
387 Graham Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co M 327th Infantry
Killed in action October 16, 1918.
Smith Leo S.
511 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn
Private Hq. Co 306th Infantry
Died of or accidentally killed by explosion of
bar of dynamite November 21, 2918.
Soucha Vincent
185 India Street, Brooklyn
Private 19th Co 152d Dep Brig
Died of pericarditis August 24, 1918.
Spacjer John
195 Norman Avenue, Brooklyn
Corp Co F 305th Infantry
Killed in action October 4, 1918. Corporal John Spacjer killed in action on
Oct 4 was the 25-year-old son of Valentine Spacjer of 371 Oakland Street.
He was born in Russia and was drafted last May going to France
with Company L 208 Infantry.
Streetanislawski Joseph
23 Diamond Street, Brooklyn
Private Co H 9th Infantry
Killed in action July 18, 1918.
Waiser Jacob
29 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Btry D 306th FA
Died of wounds received in action September 3, 1918.
Wallace James T.
119 Russell Street, Brooklyn
Private 339th Guard & Fire Co
Died of cerebral thrombosis September 19, 1918.
Walsh Christopher T.
734 Leonard Street, Brooklyn
Private San Det 307th Infantry
Killed in action September 5, 1918.
Private Christopher T Walsh 27 of 734 Leonard Street is reported
killed in action of Sept 9. Walsh was drafted last September and
went to Camp Upton, where he was attached to the Sanitation Corps
of the 307th Infantry. He went to France in April. A brother James H
is serving in France with Company F of the 216th Ammunition Train.
Watson Francia B.
51 Driggs Avenue, Brooklyn
Private 1St Class Co E 103d Infantry
Killed in action September 27,1918.
Watson William C.
168 Russell Street, Brooklyn
Wag Sup Co 307th FA
Died of wounds received in action
September 25, 1918.
Watton John
982 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn
Corporal Co G 347th Infantry
Died of lobar pneumonia
October 15, 1918.
Webber William A.
874 Driggs Avenue, Brooklyn
Private Co C 326th Infantry
Died of wounds received in action
October 16, 1918.
Welch Edwin
639 Leonard Street, Brooklyn
Private Co E 302d Engrs
Killed in action November 8, 1918 .
White James W .
281 Nassau Avenue Brooklyn
Private Co F Dev Bn
Died of congestion of brain
September 1, 1918.
Wilson Robert W.
105 Monitor Street, Brooklyn
Private Sup Co 311th Q M C
Died of bronchus pneumonia February 7, 1919
Wolf Al
542 Graham Avenue, Brooklyn
Corporal Hq. Det. Dev Bn 6th Infantry
Died of lobar pneumonia October 15, 1918.