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News Articles From 1932

Daily Star February 20, 1932





Organizations Send Representatives to Help Many get Employment.

Representatives of many Greenpoint organizations pledged their support to Greenpoint Post of the American Legion in its part of the nation-wide drive to relieve unemployment, at a meeting.


Telegrams were sent to leading Greenpoint organizations this week inviting the organizations to send representatives to the meeting. Joseph Kuhl, commander of the post, sent out the invitations. The meeting, which took place in rooms of the Alpha Republican Club, 138 Nassau Avenue, was presided over by Andrew Moran.


The legion is throwing its weight of manpower in the fight to relieve depression and unemployment. Communities have been divided Into districts and industrial units and teams have been assigned to these districts to visit employers and urge on them the necessity of hiring men at the present time.


Many Greenpoint factories have been canvassed by the local teams and promises have been received that everything possible will be done.


Chairman Andrew J. Moran called the meeting to order and received the promise of aid from the representatives of organizations that were present.



Among the organizations that sent representatives were the Greenpoint Chamber of Commerce, the Winthrop Civic Association, the James P. Goodman Democratic Association, Raymond Nulty Post, V. F. W„ and the Polish Legion.


Among the speakers at the meeting were Dr. Ignatius Byrne, representing the Chamber of Commerce; Mrs. Julia V. Conlon of the Goodman Club, John McAuliffe of the Nulty Post, and Mr. Moran.


It was reported at the meeting that the following employers and plant operators had promised the legion full cooperation:


Joseph Rubin and Company, Edward Ehrbar, Inc.; Burr and Houston, Eberhard Faber Pencil Company, Hopwood Retinning Company, A. J. and J. J. McCollum and J. S.


Daily Star April 16, 1932




Greenpoint Post, 341, American Legion and Women’s Memorial Association will hold its annual benefit card bunko and dance at St. Alphonsus Auditorium, 178 Java Street Greenpoint, Friday evening, May 6. There will be a Bulova Wrist Watch awarded as a door prize. Joseph Bonomo was selected as chairman and Mrs. Florence Thompson, vice-chairman.


The entire proceeds of the affair will be used for welfare work in the Legion.


Cards will start at 9 p. m, sharp and music will be furnished at 10:30 P. M.


Daily Star May 28, 1932


Five Divisions to March in Greenpoint
In Honor of Heroes on Memorial Day
Exercises After March Will
Take Place in Winthrop Park.


Probably the largest Memorial Day parade ever, will take place In Greenpoint on Monday when five divisions of veterans organizations, civic clubs and others will march through the district and then join in memorial services in Winthrop Park.


Led by a police escort, military and civilian bands, the parade will form at 2:30 o’clock Decoration Day afternoon and march through many streets of Greenpoint, to Nulty Square and thence to Winthrop Park where the dead heroes of America’s wars will be eulogized.


Heading the parade will be the three chairmen of the Allied Veterans of Greenpoint, the triple organization that is sponsoring the 1932 Memorial Day exercises. The three marshals are, John McAuliffe, commander of T. R. Nulty Post, V. F. W.; Peter Plata, of Greenpoint Post, American Legion, and Valentine A. Podwojski, of George Washington Post, 3, Polish Legion, U. S. Army.


After the police escort and the marshals, will come the following:


First Division: T. R. Nulty Post, V. F. W., led by the V. F. W. band, commanded by Anthony Totaro; Greenpoint People’s Democratic Organization, Fifteenth Assembly District and Ladles’ Organization, Peter J. McGuiness and Margaret A. O’Connor, executive members: St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Society.


Second Division: Greenpoint Post, American Legion, led by the Kings County Drum Corps and commanded by Post Commander Joseph Kuhl; Greenpoint Women’s Memorial Association; James P. Goodman Democratic Organization and Ladles’ Auxiliary, James P. Goodman and Julia V. Conlon, executive members; St. Stanislaus Society, Polish Roman Catholic Alliance.


Third Division: George Washington Post, Polish Legion, led by V. F. W. band and commanded by Benny Rudzski, post commander; Ladies’ Auxiliary Polish Legion, Mrs. S. Bagley, president; Polish Army Veterans; St. Stanislaus Society, Polish Union, A. Umowski, president; St. John’s Society, P. R. C. Alliance; Freedom of Kosciuszko Society, S. Malachowskl Society, P. N. Alliance.


Fourth Division: St. Alphonsus Boys Brigade led by St. Alphonsus Fife and Drum Corps; Allied Societies of St. Alphonsus Church.



Fifth Division: St. Stanislaus Church Boys’ Brigade from Manhattan, led by their music and followed by all other organizations, which will take part In the parade but as yet have not reported to the committee.


The first division will form on Dupont Street, west of Manhattan Avenue. The second, on Dupont Street, west of Franklin Street. The third, on Eagle Street, west of Manhattan Avenue. The fourth, on Eagle street, west of Franklin Street, and the fifth, on Freeman Street, west of Manhattan Avenue.


The line of March will be from Dupont, Eagle, and Freeman streets, through Manhattan Avenue to Norman avenue, through Lorimer street, through Bedford avenue and North Twelfth street to Nulty Square; from Nulty Square, through Drlggs avenue to Humboldt street, to Fidelity Square, then through Monitor street to Winthrop Park for celebration.


The starting time of the parade at 2:30 p. m. sharp.


A colorful program has been arranged for the ceremonies In the park. Past County Commander James H. Johnson will act In the role of master of ceremonies, assisted by King and Wnukowski as reception committee.


The following have promised to appear:


Peter J. McGuinness, Walter H Farrar, Edward P. Doyle, George W. Lindsay, John MacCrate, William Bogenshutz, Charles J. Carroll, Jere F. Twomey, County Commander Francis P. Dunphy of the American Legion; County Commander Louis Hoffman, V. F. W.; Department Commander William Geda, Polish Legion; Past National Commander Benjamin T. Anuskewicz, Polish Legion; Ray F. Skowronski. John Smolensk!, Val A. Podwojski, Richard Wright, Captain Edward C o r s 1, Major Rydzanek, and many other personages In veteran and civil circles.


The invocation at the park will be given by the Rev. Dr. Benney Benson, chaplain of Greenpoint Post, A. L the benediction by the Rev. Father S. Mazurkiewicz, pastor of St, Stanislaus’ Church, and Rabbi Manheim, will end up the religious part of the celebration.


A vocal trio from St. Alphonsus Church will open the park ceremonies with singing the Star Spangled Banner, assisted by the V. F. W. band. A firing squad from the Polish Legion will give the last salute to the memory of all veterans to the accompaniment of taps. In case of rainy weather, the parade will take place as scheduled, but the ceremonies instead of being held in the park will be held in the auditorium of the P. S. on Monitor Street and Drlggs avenue, as planned.  The contributions to defray expenses of the Memorial Day parade and celebration that have been received by the Allied Veterans, amount to $328.48 at the present time, the committee announces. The following contributions have been received this week:


D. & Z. Bottling Corp. $ 5.00

Engine Company, No. 215, N. T. Fire Department $7.00

Duke McCann $2.00

Published to date $314.18

Total to date $328.48


Brooklyn Daily Star  September 13, 1932


Greenpoint Legionnaires Work Wonders
By Transforming Old Police Station
Into Modern, Comfortable Clubhouse


Some people in Greenpoint told Joe Kuhl he was crazy when he put through the deal with the City of New York, which turned the old Greenpoint avenue station house over to Greenpoint Post of the American Legion for their exclusive use.


Joe was crazy—like a fox!


For months the Legionnaires under the dynamic pushing of Commander Kuhl have been begging, borrowing, everything but stealing, quantities of paint, lumber, electric wiring and other equipment until now the old station house is beginning to look like something.


Greenpoint Post is going to have the finest clubhouse of any post In Kings, yes, in greater New York.  It will be completely equipped throughout to make the old building, which was built back in the days of the Civil War as a garrison for federal troops, a real community center.  This has been Joe Kuril’s and many other members of the post’s dream for many months and It is slowly but surely developing into a reality that will astonish every Greenpointer who visits the place just as it did the writer.


The drab, old three-story brick building which has stood at the northeast corner of Greenpoint and Manhattan avenues for almost three quarters of a century hasn’t been used since the police moved out of it eight years ago, except as temporary offices of the Board of Transportation.


This body used the place as offices while the Crosstown Subway was being built through Greenpoint and when they moved out the Legionnaires moved in for $1 a year rental to the City of New York.  Since that time hammers, saws, pinch bars, huge jacks, paintbrushes and brooms have been wielded with vim by paid artisans, Legionnaires and three-day-a-week men.  The old station house has been renovated from top to bottom.  Everything has been changed over and remade with the exception of the old cellblock, which the Legion members can’t find any use for except it might be used during barn dances when the constable locks up the guests. But the danger in that is the key might get lost


The outside of the building is being repainted now. A priming coat of yellow is being put on it and it will be finished in an old ivory color with a light brown window woodwork trim. The painting and the new iron and cement stairway at the front entrance are all that is being done to the outside of the building.


Inside, however, is where the metamorphosis is taking place. From the old cocoon of a dirty, tumble down building will emerge the chrysalis of a well-equipped, modern clubhouse?


The foyer has been enlarged and deepened. A huge hallway lounge room is to be established here with soft chairs and an atmosphere of a well-kept clubroom. On the first floor are also small officers rooms and in the rear, of course, the old cellblock for which no use has been found as yet.


A new fireproof stairway has been installed leading to the second floor.  On the second floor is the main meeting room of the post. It runs the entire length of the building on the Manhattan avenue side and is well lighted and airy from numerous windows.  The north of the room a rostrum the entire length of the building on meeting room of the post. It runs is being built and on the wall, Thomas Thornsen, a post member, has placed a huge gold and blue American Legion emblem. It is a work of art as it now stands and when completed will be illuminated by an electric spotlight concealed in the side of the room.  The work of superintending the workers in the building is being done by William Kopenhoefer and Edward O’Neil. Most of the ideas for the reconstruction of the building are those of members, under the guiding genius of Joe Kuhl.


A brand new floor has been laid in the meeting room and this room is large enough for dances for post members and friends. This room has been finished in ivory with a light brown trim.


On the third floor will be several innovations. A barbeque room is being installed in conjunction with a kitchen where appetizing dishes may be prepared for post affairs. The barbeque room will have the appearance of a Western bar of the old days. The walls are being finished with half-logs which will be stained the color of real old logs and the chinks between them will show up under the spell of gray paint. This entire room’s wood furnishings were the gift of the lumber company from whom the lumber for the floors was purchased.  Without a doubt, the post’s refreshment room will be as fine in appearance as any in many a clubhouse in Brooklyn with the added uniqueness of the appearance of the inside of a log cabin.


Also, on the third floor will be a dormitory and in the rear, lighted by several large windows with cross ventilation secured through windows which lead to the court, will he a children’s kindergarten.  Among the ambitious Joe Kuhl’s plans is one to provide a day nursery for children in the neighborhood. A woman is to be in charge and mothers who are employed by the day may leave their children there while they are at work. A soup kitchen is being installed and Dr. Ignatius Byrne has promised free medical examination of the children registered there.  Kuhl wants the new clubhouse of Greenpoint Post of the American Legion to be more than Just a clubhouse. He wants it to be a real community center—and he certainly has pushed his project far along this plan.


The writer, in company with Kuhl and Andrew J, Moran. active post worker, toured the building yesterday and was amassed at the progress made.


Kuhl, when asked where all the money came from, replied that he didn’t know. “All’s I know is the treasury is broke and the rest came as donations from our many kind friends. “ For Instance, the Leviton Manufacturing Company here on Greenpoint Avenue has donated every one of the electrical fixtures that we will need in the building.  “Other manufacturers have done the same, and believe me, our friends have rallied around!”



Daily Star September 24,1932



Governor Roosevelt Accepts
Honorary Chairmanship
Of Annual Affair.



County Commander Frank J. Irving of the American Legion in Kings County announced today that Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt has consented to serve as one of the Honorary Chairmen of the Armistice Ball, which will be held in the Elks Club, Brooklyn, on Friday evening, November 11. Governor Roosevelt will have as his aides, Lieutenant-Governor Herbert H. Lehman, Surrogate Albert Wingate, John H. McCooey and Frederick J. H. Kracke who have all consented to cooperate so that the Armistice Ball this year may surpass the efforts of previous years. The other members of the Citizens Committee which will assist the Legion are as follows:


Henry Hesterberg, Charles C. Lockwood, John MacCrate, Franklin Taylor, Alonzo G. McLaughlin, Algeron I. Nova, William F. X. Geoghan, Aaron L. Jacoby, James A. McQuade, John J. Delaney, John R. Crews, Harry T. Woods, Albert Firmin, John J. Curtin, John Savarese.


James M. Goliding, Commander of Brooklyn Post, No. 500 and Vice County Commander of the Legion, has once again been called upon by County Commander Irving to be the chairman of the affair and to direct its management.


Also on the committee is William Weber of Greenpoint Post.


Daily Star October 20, 1932



Greenpoint Center Rapidly
Nearing Completion as
Work is rushed.


The arrangements for the dedication exercises are being completed for the new Community Center in Greenpoint November 5, under the auspices of Greenpoint Post 241, American Legion, at Greenpoint and Manhattan Avenue.


A Joint committee is in charge of the arrangements comprising James H. Johnson, Edward A. O’Neil, George Welsh and Andrew J. Moran, assisted by Miss Margaret O’Connor, Mrs. Emily Halilday, Mrs. Catherine Kuhl and Mrs. Rose Phair.


Commander Joseph Kuhl has appointed other committees to cooperate, which include the committee on distinguished guests, reception, entertainment and parade.


On Friday evening, November 4, an automobile parade will be held throughout the community announcing the opening of the community building to the general public. Joseph Bonomo is in charge of the parade arrangements and it will include many attractions, including the locomotive engine and boxcar of the Forty and Eights, used in state and national convention parades.


Many prominent pubic officials have been Invited on this occasion, Including, State Commander Dr. George J. Lawrence of the American Legion, Attorney-General John J. Bennett, Jr., Charles W. Berry, Controller of New York City; Frank J. Irving, County Commander, Kings County American Legion.


General George Albert Wingate, Surrogate Kings County; Deputy Commissioner Peter J. McGuinness; Justice John MacCrate; Sheriff James A. McQuade, Richard Wright, Republican leader of Greenpoint; Justice Charles J. Carroll; George W. Lindsay, Congressman.


Senator Jere F. Twomey, Alderman Walter Farrar, Assemblyman Edward Doyle. Justice William J. Bogenschutz, Parole Commissioner John C. Maher, Assemblyman William Breitenbach, Dr. Ignatius Byrne, president Greenpoint Chamber of Commerce; Valentine Podwojski, James Goodman, Edgar H, Hazelwood, representatives of civic, fraternal and Veteran posts and businessmen.


Following the formal opening an entertainment and dance will close the exercise and public inspection of the building. The building has been decorated and the center of attraction is the members, lounge which has hand painted scenes of the

World War through the efforts of Philip Kahn a post member. Many donations of furnishings are being received through the drive of the Women’s Memorial Organization, post members and local businessman. The work accomplished by the post members is one of the greatest community cine Improvements in many years.


Daily Star October 22, 1932



Controller Charles W. Berry
to Speak at Dedication
in Greenpoint.


The dedication exercises of the Legion Community Center In Greenpoint will be held on Saturday evening, November 5, under the auspices of Greenpoint Post 241, American Legion. The new home of the Legion at Manhattan and Greenpoint avenues, formerly the old police station, has been renovated and altered throughout the entire three floors, including the outside walls of the building.


The Legion post members have labored for more than six months in the construction assisted by the Emergency Work Bureau forces, under the supervision of post officials. It is estimated that the alterations and materials of painting, plastering, carpenter, electrical, plumbing and odd jobs including labor has reached more than 115,00 The post treasury has been exhausted but through donations of financial aid and materials the post has been able to complete the building. The Women’s Memorial Association has aided financially, and is working on the drive to complete the building with the necessary furnishings. Donations are still being solicited and received to equip the building In order to carry on the necessary community activities and veteran’s interest.


A joint committee is in charge of the dedication exercises and the principal speaker will be Controller Charles W. Berry, through whom much co-operation has been received in securing the building for a community center. Invitations are being extended to public officials, and representatives of civic, fraternal community organization, businessmen and Legion officials to attend.



A social function will follow the dedication exercises after the public Inspection, which has been anxiously awaited by the community and Legion officials. It is reported that the Greenpoint Legion center will be one of the largest in the greater city and a community asset, long needed for community betterment.


Many plans are underway for the New Year, which includes a membership drive, welfare, veterans relief, social and community activities.


The changes, which have been made to the building since a reporter for The Star toured the building some three weeks ago, are almost unbelievable.


Beautiful mahogany paneling now grace the walls of the lounge room on the first floor. The walls on the second and third floors have been paneled and painted and the result is to the credit of a member of the Post whose labor of love it was to do this work.


Assurances have been received from such famous Legionnaires as John J. Bennett, Jr., Attorney General of the State of New York, George W. Berry, Controller of the City of New York; Dr. George J. Lawrence, Commander of the American Legion of the State of New York, and Frank J. Irving. County Commander of the American Legion that they will attend and assist in the formal opening and dedication of the building.


In addition, it is expected that the legislative and judiciary representatives of this community will also be present.


After the opening and dedication, there will be entertainment and dancing. In order to permit the entire community to inspect and examine the wonders which have been worked in the building the admission subscription has been made low.


The people of this community can now point with pride to a building, which formerly was an eyesore to Manhattan Avenue. It is the consensus of opinion among the businessmen and property owners of Greenpoint that the work done on this building by the legionnaires, contributes to the community its greatest civic improvement in many years.


The sub-committee which is formulating plans for the approval of the general executive committee, consists of James J. Johnson, past State District Commander of the American Legion; Edward O’Neil, George Welsh and Andrew J. Moran.  Assisting this sub-committee are the following representatives from the memorial association of the Post: Miss Margaret O’Connor, Mrs. Catherine Kuhl. Mrs. Rose Phair, and Mrs. Emily Halliday.


The Daily Star – November 5, 1932



Ludder Organized Greenpoint Post
Year after World War; Springdae
First Commander; Kuhl Pilots Group


By Edwin Duffy


Greenpoint Post, 241, American Legion, was organized in September 1919 by Carsten Ludder. The post has met in numerous organizations’ headquarters in the community and has always played an important part in the activities of Greenpoint.


The commanders who have served the post in the last thirteen years are: Herman E. Sprigade, 1919; Carsten Ludder, 1920; George W. Welch, from 1921 to 1924, Inclusive; Anthony J. Falke, 1923: Lewis Rose, 1925; George Nullet, 1926; Albert F. Cooper, 1927; Peter Plaia, 1928-29; John J.  Ward. 1930. William G. Weber, 1931, and Joseph Kuhl, 1932-33.


The post has won five national citations for meritorious service and in membership, and in the county numerous awards have been received for active service. Particularly in membership for 1931, In the second class, a loving cup was awarded.  They won a county championship in bowling in 1931 and last year they won second prize in the county bowling tournaments of the teams of eight posts.


During 1925 the national Legion drive for an endowment fund of $5,000.000 was inaugurated for children of veterans. The quota assigned to Greenpoint was $25,000 and the post was the first post in the county among fifty posts to reach its quota.


The post received the aid of at least 1,000 citizens of the community who contributed to the fund, which made it possible for them to realize their goal. The public spirit of Greenpoint has always been first for so worthy a purpose. The principle of the fund is still intact and the interest has been used to serve its purpose in caring for the children of veterans. William Krog was the chairman of the citizens’ committee.


The post has been active in veteran welfare and is still continuing to aid the needy veterans and their families of the community. It has filed for the state and federal bonus more than 1,000 applications for veterans, not members of the post. In the community and surrounding communities without charge, including state relief and relief through the Department of Public Welfare.


Greenpoint Post has been honored for many important offices county, state and national organization, which includes appointments received in the last eight years.


Among those honored for important appointments were; James H.  Johnson as a county vice-commander for two terms, then as County Commander: District Commander of the second district including the five counties.


George W. Welch, member county executive committee for two terms.  Peter Plaia, member of the executive committee and district deputy for two terms.


William Weber, District Commander, member of important county committees; appointments to county committees includes county child welfare, membership, welfare, memorial and others, state chairman of child welfare, state convention and others.


The post was represented by the election of Edward A. O’Nell to the national convention last year and as delegate in previous years to national conventions.


The post has played an important part in the community memorial exercises at Winthrop Park on Memorial Day afternoon and with the county organization in the morning parade. They have decorated graves in all local cemeteries on Memorial Day and previous Sunday. They took a prominent part in the dedication of the monument in Winthrop Park and other patriotic events throughout community.


They were among the first posts to adopt a unit for the Junior Legionnaire, composed of sons of veterans and post members and plan to enlarge this program very shortly after the dedication of the building.  Many activities will get underway since the post took over the new community center and will interest the entire community in their under taking for community betterment and civic pride.


The Women’s Memorial Association, which has been organized since last year, is a great asset to the post In carrying on their many activities for the veterans and they have been ever ready to aid when called upon.  They are increasing in membership and activities and many encouraging results can be expected for the interest of the Legion and its program.


Mrs. Emily Halllday is the present president and has many active workers of the community organization affiliated with on the staff and among its membership


Daily Star November 12, 1932


Thousands Jam Legion Quarters
At Reception To Mark Opening
Reception Crowd is Estimated
At More Than
2,000 Visitors.


Between 1,500 and 2,000 persons tried to jam their way Into the Community Center building at Greenpoint and Manhattan Avenues, the new home of Greenpoint Post of the American Legion, at its official opening.


From early In the evening until long after midnight throngs of Greenpointers walked through the building Inspecting its facilities and marveling at the transformation that has been wrought there by the local legionnaires.


Following and before the automobile parade through the streets, an additional 2.000 inspected the building from top to bottom and congratulated the officers and members of the post.


Many state, county and city officials as well as officials and members of various veterans’ organizations visited the new post home and community center.


A parade throughout the community was held announcing the opening, led by the “40 and 8” locomotive and boxcar of the society. More than 100 decorated automobiles, with noisemaking instruments, were in line.


The dedication exercises opened the program, followed by a dance lasting to an early hour. State Commander Dr, George J. Lawrence of Flushing, dedicated the building and turned It over to Post Commander Joseph A. Kuhl, after Spencer C. Young, representing Controller Charles W. Berry, presented Commander Kuhl with the key to the building.


Addresses of acceptance were given by Commander Kuhl, to both city authorities and the state commander. The building Is three stories high, and was renovated by the post at a cost of more than $15,000. Many addresses during the dedication exercises were delivered by local, state and county officials, including the following:


State Commander Dr. George J. Lawrence, American Legion; Spencer O. Young, Controller’s office; Richard Wright, Republican leader of Greenpoint.


Supreme Court Justice John MacCrate, Congressman George W. Lindsay, Sheriff James A. McQuade, Justices Charles J. Carroll and William J. Bogenshutz, Senator Jere F. Twomey, Attorney-General John J. j Bennett, Jr., Surrogate George A. Wingate, Alderman Walter Farrar.


Assemblyman Edward P. Doyle, Assemblyman William Breitenbach, Parole Commissioner John C. Maher, Dr. Ignatius Byrne, Alexander Pisciotta, Edgar H. Hazelwood, Miss Margaret A, O’Connor, James P. Goodman, Mrs. Julia V. Conlon, Rev. John F. Cherry, Inspector John Quinn, Captain Joseph Betz, police official.


William J. Cowan, Nulty Poet, V. F. W.; Mrs. Emily Halliday, president Women’s Memorial Association, and representatives of legion posts of the country, civic, fraternal and political and business men of the community.


Daily Star December 5, 1932




Greenpoint Post, 241. American Legion will conduct a benefit card and bunko party Friday evening, December 9, at the Legion Community Center, Greenpoint and Manhattan avenues. The proceeds will go towards the Christmas basket fund of the Greenpoint People’s Regular Democratic Organization. The post committee Is working in conjunction with the general committee of the community organization.


The Legion will be aided in raising the necessary funds to ad the needy of the district through the co-operation of the Women’s Memorial Association and An active committee of their workers. The purpose of working in conjunction with the general committee of the district Is, to avoid duplication In giving tickets to the needy applying to several organizations of the district. It Is expected that this plan will reach the many applicants applying for baskets throughout the community.


Commander Joseph Kuhl has appointed the entertainment committee, of which William Weber Is chairman and Mrs. Emily Halilday, president of the Women’s Memorial Association, has appointed an active committee to co-operate with It.


Daily Star December 9, 1932




County Commander and Staff
Officiate at Ceremonies.


County Commander of the American Legion Frank J. Irving and his staff installed the officers of Greenpoint Post, American Legion at the Legion’s headquarters.


A large representation of post officials were present. Including prominent public officials, representatives of civic, fraternal, political and veteran posts of the community. A social followed the installation ceremonies conducted jointly with the Women’s Memorial Association and the post.


Those installed were:


Joseph Kuhl, commander; William Junger, Joseph Bonomo and Edward A. O’Neill, vice-commanders; Lawrence Marsilia, adjutant; George Bedame, personnel adjutant, William Rowan, finance officer; Rev. Dr. | Benney Benson, chaplain; Andrew J. Moran, historian; William Kopenhoefer, sergeant-at-arms.


County committeemen, Peter Plata and Edward A. O’Neil; alternates, William Weber and James H. Johnson. An executive committee was also Installed.


The Women’s Memorial Association officers installed Included:


Mrs. Emily Halliday, president; Mrs. Florence Thompson and Mrs. Mary De Sota, vice-presidents; Mrs. Anna Smith recording secretary; Mrs.*. Minnie Erhardt, financial secretary; Mrs. Sadie Jockel, corresponding secretary; Miss Margaret O’Connor, treasurer; and Mrs. Ella Andrews, sergeant-at-arms.


Daily Star December 17, 1932


Legion Post Is Forced To Discontinue
It’s Distribution Of Christmas Baskets
To Outsiders Because Of Own Burden


Departing for the first time from a custom it has followed in previous years, the Greenpoint Post, American Legion, this year will not distribute baskets of food or tickets during the Christmas season, according to an announcement by Commander Joseph Kuhl.


The commander’s statement was prompted by the flood of requests for aid, which have been received at the Legion headquarters at Greenpoint and Manhattan avenues, Greenpoint, during the pant week.


Many members of needy families, past recipients, Christmas dinners or other aid from the post, have put in their applications in advance, along with host of other family heads who have joined the ranks of the unemployed since last Christmas.


The discontinuance of the annual charity. Commander Kuhl said. Is made necessary by the burden being carried by the post In properly providing for its own needy members and their families, which have increased in numbers in the past twelve months.


He pointed out, however, that the post Is co-operating with the People’s Regular Democratic Club in the problem of bringing Christmas cheer to hundreds of Greenpoint homes this year. In this connection, a charity card party was run at the Legion Community Center and drew a large attendance of officials and leaders in various organizations.


The proceeds of the affair, held under the auspices of the post and its auxiliary, are to be devoted to the Christmas fund activities under the supervision of the People’s Club.


Many useful prizes were awarded to players and non-players at the event. Among those present and cooperating in the undertaking were;


Deputy Commissioner Peter J. McGuinness; Miss Margaret O’Connor, Democratic co-leader of the district; Alderman Walter Farrar; Parole Commissioner John C. Maher; Assemblyman Edward P. Doyle; Senator Jere F. Twomey; Thomas E, Morrissey, Jr.; John Imperatore, clerk of the Third District Municipal Court; Mrs. Elizabeth Croal, president Ladles Auxiliary; Deputy Commissioner of Accounts Gerald Dunne; Deputy Sheriff James Colloran, And many other representatives of civic, fraternal, and veteran organizations of the community.


The committee consisted of the following workers of both organizations:


William Weber, chairman; Mrs. Emily Halilday, Mrs. Kitty Kuhl, Mrs. Mary Hiob, Mrs. Ella Andrews, Mrs., Florence Thompson, Mrs. Mary De Sota, Mrs. Minnie Erhardt, Mrs. Anna Smith, Mrs. Sadie Jockel, Miss Margaret O’Connor, Commander Joseph Kuhl, Lawrence Marsilia. Daniel Dunn, Fred Marquardt, William D’Amato, George Bedame, Henry Walsman, William Cutfoil, Joseph Bonomo, Sam Marmino, Chester Sandeman. Edward J. Duffy was in charge of the publicity committee.


The post is co-operating with the general committee In charge of the distribution of the Christmas baskets to avoid duplication and is working in conjunction with the Women’s Memorial Association and the Greenpoint basket fund of the district. Many merchants and local businessmen donated prizes to aid the fund, as did the members.