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News Articles From 1961

Long Island Star Journal – May 17, 1961


Legion Starts
Poppy Drive


American Legion posts in Greenpoint will launch their annual poppy drive Tuesday.  Poppy drive chairman of Greenpoint Post is Rocco DiGerardo, vice-commander. The poppies, made by disabled veterans in hospitals and distributed by borough Legion posts, may be secured at Greenpoint Post headquarters, Manhattan and Greenpoint Avenues.


Long Island Star Journal – June 12, 1961


Point Post
Picks Slate


Albert Berg has been elected commander of Greenpoint Post, American Legion. Other officers elected are Joseph Ligarzewski, Rocco Gerardo and William Leier, vice commanders; Matthew W. Przechocki, adjutant; Edwin J. Duffy, assistant adjutant; Theodore A. Wiesniewski, finance officer; Charles J, Meyer, chaplain; Angelo Maggio, historian, and Joseph Grippo, sergeant-at-arms.


The new officers will be installed by Kings County legion officials at a dinner-dance at post headquarters at Manhattan and Greenpoint avenues in October.


THE POST also elected delegates to the county convention, which will be held Friday evening and Saturday afternoon at a downtown Brooklyn hotel. The convention will open at 7 P. M. Friday with a parade starting at Schermerhorn and Smith streets.