Past Events
Ladies Auxiliary Italian Dinner
The Ladies Auxiliary, on November 3, hosted an Italian dinner to a sellout crowd.
To see more of the Dinner got HERE.
Induction Of Officers
On September 9th the post held the annual induction Of Officers Ceremony for the legion year 2013. The ceremony was attended by representatives from King County. The following individuals were inducted:
Commander – Rick Kenney
Adjutant – Tommy Youngfleisch
Vice Commanders
1st Vice -Dominick Cirone
2nd Vice – Chuck Russo
3rd Vice – Angel Valentin
4th Vice – Angelo Vasquez
Finance Officer – Jim Feith
Service Officer – Donald Marshall
Judge Advocate – Ed Wizbicki
Historian – Phil Ras
Sergeant-At-Arms – Bob Pieprzak
Executive Committee:
Sal Azzinari
Bon Bodden
Ray Smith
Randy Sargent
Emma Lardner
Some photos of the Ceremony:
To see more go HERE.
Labor Day BBQ
On September 1, 2013 the post held it’s annual Labor Day BBQ. The turnout was great, hamburgers, hot and plenty of beer and soda.
Here are few pictures of the BBQ:
For more pictures go HERE.
I will be posting the pictures from the Children’s Christmas party and Commander’s
Christmas Party later on in the week.
Time To Do Some Catchup
Well another Legion started last month with the Installation of new officers on September 2, 2011. Officers were inducted on the Post level, The ladies Auxiliary and the Sons Of he Legion.
On September 11, 2011 the Post held the 10th anniversary of 911. The day began with a Mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka church. In the afternoon the Post held their own ceremony. Photos are HERE.
September 17, 2011 was the 3rd annual Greenpoint Lions Bathtub races. The Post won a trophy for best Bathtub Design and another trophy for winning a race. Photos are HERE.